Your Daily Dose Of Jera Angst

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This was made from spinning a wheel!

We did not choose to do this

We are being threatened


John ran through the hallways, but she was nowhere to be found, almost as if she was trying to disappear.

The black haired male ran for an hour trying to find her, until he gave up and sat in the misery bench.

The blonde haired man caught up to him saying, "You really messed THAT up didn't you, John? She gave you a chance and you blew it."

The blonde haired man stared down at him sitting on the misery bench.

The black haired man hung his head low and replied, "Fuck...How am I supposed to make things right now?"

"Maybe start off with apologizing first," Answered the blonde haired man.

"Then maybe tell her the truth. Confess." Continued the blonde haired man, putting aside his differences with the black haired man for once.

"You...were right, I'll apologize now." Said John in a sullen voice.

The black haired man then lifted his sorry ass off the bench and ran towards the one place he could think to find his crush, the rooftop.

When he arrived, he saw the purple haired girl sitting, back against the fence.

The two locked eyes as John opened his mouth to talk, but she didn't give him a chance, saying, "Why are you here? For someone who means nothing to you, you seem to be quite intent on bothering me."

"I'm sorry," Said John before the purple haired girl cut him off, "About what? The way you said I was useless without my ability?"

The black haired man bit his lip, forcing himself to continue, "About everything. About destroying the school. About assaulting the safe house. About being a piece of shit and about pushing you away. I-i can't do this without you, Sera!"

"I'm sorry, but you've gone too far to be forgiven." With that the purple haired girl left, leaving John behind.

At that moment, John gave up his fluff and yelled, "Wait! Please! I....I love you Sera! I always have! I can't lose you too..."

Sera paused for a second as if she was processing the words he that had just left John's mouth.

Sera was at a loss for words before replying, "I...What?...What do you mean you 'love me'?"

"I've loved you for so long...Please...I need you," Answered John.

John hadn't started crying, but the way he looked at Sera resembled a lost dog.

"I'm sorry but...I...Love you." Answered a currently sobbing Sera.

'Well, that's one way to solve this problem.' Thought Arlo, before allowing them to have their moment.


The school's chaos subdued as a power couple arose.

They married.

The End.

Le Bonus:

Read 'The Transfer Student' for the love of god it's better than this bullshit.

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