Your Daily Dose Of Isen x Arlo Smut

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Wow, this was awful. The wheels are really cursed. You probobly shouldn't read this.

Isen x Arlo:

Isen felt the wall against his back as the blonde haired man pulled down his tie.

"Is s-something wrong, A-Arlo?" Isen stuttered as the blonde pulled him in for a kiss.

A surprising jolt went through Isen as he felt the blonde man nip at his bottom lip.

The orange and brown haired man open his mouth a tiny bit in shock, but that was enough to let Arlo slip his tongue in.

The blonde haired man used his leg to more thoroughly push the brown and orange haired man against the wall, as his tongue explored the man's mouth.

The Isen colored man then let out a moan out of surprise, before kissing back.

The two exchanged intimate kisses before Arlo broke the kiss and leaned over to Isen's ear, ready to whisper something.

"You're doing so well~," whispered Arlo.

Isen couldn't help but blush, only to find himself asking Arlo for more.

Arlo obliged as he began to remove the orange and brown haired man's clothes.

Isen felt Arlo run his hand down the elites back as he slowly unbuttoned Isen's shirt.

"Are you sure we should do this here? What if someone finds out?" Questioned the Isen.

"You didn't seem to care about that when you were begging for more earlier, did you?" The blonde haired man whispered, leaning closer to the Isen.

The blonde man finished unbuttoning Isen's shirt and began to move hand more downward.

The orange and brown haired man couldn't help, but let out a moan.

The blonde haired man started biting his neck.

Isen moaned again, pushing himself against the blonde man.

Suddenly a Cecile burst in, probably to print out a new article she wrote, but saw this abomination of human beings on the floor.

Cecile walked out without saying a word because honestly, what the fuck could she have said, and soon enough so did the two.


Le Bonus:


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