Your Daily Dose Of John x Therapy AU

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John x Therapy AU:

"Come on, it'll be good for you. Plus, you get to do something during your suspension!" William chriped.

"Fine..." Said John reluctantly.

"Great, because I already signed you up and your first session is today."

"What!?" "It starts at 2:30, don't be late."

William then somersaulted out a window, leaving John alone to figure out how to get to the therapy center in 22 minutes.

John somersaulted his way to the therapy center leaving 3 minuted to spare.

When he walked over to the receptionist, the woman smiled at him and said, "Your John Doe, right? Your father told me to expect a professional somersault with black hair coming here."

John was slightly embarrassed but said, "Yes, I'm john. Now where is the therapist?"

The receptionist chuckled, "Take a seat for now, we'll call you when the therapist is ready."

"Okay," John went to sit down as he waited for the therapist.

John looked around the waiting room; Posters telling people to be themselves, a TV playing a show about puppets hugging, a bunch of stuffed animals on the wall...So, his dad had signed him up for youth therapy?

After 2 more minutes of waiting, the receptionist called him in to go to room 247.

When John walked in, he saw a middle aged woman with light blonde hair tied up in a messy bun.

"Hello, my name is Sandra. I am your therapist, nice to meet you. What's Your name?" Asked the blonde haired woman.

John relished the awkward silence for a couple of seconds before saying, "I'm John."

"Take a seat first. May I ask what problems you have?"

"I...Well, it's a long story." John sad.

"We have time. This is a four hour session, why you may ask? Well, your dad got a discount for entertaining everyone with his somersaulting skills, so he decided to get a big therapy package. I'm here to listen, John." Sandra said softly.

"Well you see..." John hesitated the way I hesitate when I try doing any type of physical activity, "It all started when I beat the shit out of my well deserved classmates in middle school. My friend called the authorities and I had to go to the readjustment program. They gave me mental trauma."

"I see...Could you elaborate on why you beat up your classmates and exactly how this said mental tama manifests?"

"...My classmate helped me manifest my ability...Then when I got out of control she tried to contain me by gathering up a bunch of people...In the end, I beat them all up...My friend then called the authorities..." John said sullenly.

The therapist paused before asking, "Do you resent "her"?"

"I did...But not anymore. I understand what she did now and why she had to do it..."

"I see. Then, what about the other one who called the authorities? Do you harbor feelings against them\?"

"No. I was out of my mind at the time and they needed to contain me somehow," Replied John hesitantly while staring down at his feet.

The memories flood over John again before Sandra asks, "I have eyes. Now, I'm going to ask you some questions regarding what your father has shared with me. Is that alright?"

"Go ahead" "John, is it true that this is your second time getting suspended or expelled?"

The dark haired male homospanian nodded.

"How did you get suspended if you don't mind me asking?"

"I...repeated what happened in middle school like a monster."

"I see. 'Monster" you see yourself as one?"

John went silent, filling the room with silence, the smell of Sandra's depreso and the sound of someone farting or maybe even sharting i t in the hallway.

"Y-yes. I beat up everyone at my old school and I'm beating up everyone at sone well."

Sandra paused, tapping her walmart pen onto her lip, "John, in schools the hierarchy causes everyone to hit each other. If that's your standard for being a monster, then you're not alone, because they're people who've done equal if not worse than you."

John thought about what to say to that statement, he just kept thinking.

They both waited for the other tio speak while the people in the hallway kept sharting in unison

Then Sandra spoke, "Anything else?"

"...Not really..."

The rest of the time wasn't that productive, other than just talking about some other stuff such as the people sharting in the hallway.

The End

Le Bonus:

Man that was long. But you know what's longer? Our other story.

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