Your Daily Dose of John and a Rat on ceawater

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John was in line waiting for his precious mango boba.

As he was slobbering over the thought of said bobba, a brown haired rat walked past him with his pet emergency food, holding a cup of what John would soon order in his hand.

When John went up to the cashier and ordered a mango boba, the cashier, to his dismay, told him that there were no more mango boba's left.

John was about to leave, defeated, before he realized that a certain Polynesian rat had walked past him, holding a certain final mango boba.

The polyesian rat left the store doging flying piles of cement going for his head and a flying boulder attempting to swing him into the air.

When John saw the boba, he ignored all the dangers around him and decided to run after him, but as he ran across the street with no regard for anyone's safety, he was hit by a freight truck.

He got back up and followed Terrence once again to try and get the boba. Terrence was currently getting attacked by rabid dogs and cats, getting almost hit by lightning and almost dying to falling in the nonexistent ocean and getting chased by sharks.

While Terrance doged everything thrown at him and kept running away, John started yelling after him, only to step in wet cement and get stuck in place with no one around to help him.

John got unstuck in the cement and suffered from the attacking rabid dogs and cats, getting almost hit by lightning and almost dying to falling in the nonexistent ocean and getting chased by sharks. Once he made it through, he saw that Terrence had made it halfway through another set of obstacles and was currently barely avoiding the attacks from a lion trying to drink the boba.

John quickly ran the 2022 olympic marathon, climbed up the side of the Great Wall of China and jumped into the lion enclosure trying to grab the boba, but Terrance had already gotten on a plane to Sydney, Australia with the undrinkeen boba in hand.

John suddenly had a brilliant idea to steal a plane from one of the pilots to chase after him.

John quickly went to flight school and got an official license from Adrion, who at this point had become a flight instructor, only to hijack a plane and fly to Sidney, where Terrance landed with his plane and undrinken mango boba.

Once the rat arrived at Sydney, his first thought was to go over to the local kid's playground and ruin their lives by pouring the boba on the slides and swings.

Ofcourse, John wasn't that slow, quickly seeing the rats brown hair from the air and parachuting down to get the boba from him.

Terrence, once he saw John, quickly fled the scene by escaping to the plane again\ and booking a flight to West Korea.

John, on the other hand, snuck into his plane and took flight, causing the first ever two plane crash over the Pacific Ocean.

Luckily he used the boat that was attached to the plane to evacuate safely. The plane may have sank, but John was not giving up on his boba.

Terrance on the other hand, was failing for dear life on the bermuda triangle, protecting the mango boba on the other hand.

John was approaching the bermuda triangle as well, until a big wave crashed and pushed him away.

John quickly grabbed a rock he had in his pocket, and turned it into a sailboat, sailing at full speed towards his boba.

The rat escaped the bermuda triage and ended up in Russia instead of Korea, but at least he was alive.

When in Russia, a wild bear appeared, sniffing the boba and rushing at the rat.

Terrence luckily was able to defend himself and run off with the boba leaving the bear to stare at a couple wild bushes and berries.

John on the other hand, had to brutalize the border patrol.

He failed at removing all of the soldiers but disabled enough of them so that he could get away.

When he was done running around John sniffed the snow till he got on Terraces trail.

Terrence, on the other hand, was busy fending off rabid attacking killer rabbits and a million flying cockroaches.

John quickly caught up to Terrance, only to meet a pack of bears that Terance had trained to ward off the rabbits and cockroaches.

He quickly ran away from the scene only to find out that Terrence, the rat, ran away to another country, Florida.

John quickly turns into an earthworm in retaliation, chasing after him to get his sweet mango boba.

Terrence, once he found out that John traveled all the way to Florida, attempted to rush back to Wellstone to seek safety.

Of Course the moment Terrance got his ass back to Wellston with his spoiled boba, he ran back into Woaba Boba, hiding behind a counter.

Unfortunately for him, John went back to Woaba Boba to try and see if they restocked mango boba, but instead found a rat behind a counter.

Though, when John yelled, "YOU!" And grabbed the boba out of Terrance's unsuspecting hands, he realized that it was already moldy, salty, coldy, warmy and even dirty.

He went and got another boba, nothing to himself that chasing someone around half the continents for mango boba definitely wasn't worth it.

The End.

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