21 | he loves you.

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chapter twenty one.
he loves you.

he loves you

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I listened to Edwin's voicemail much later into the night, when my entire house was silent and the rain was still falling heavily outside my window. I wanted to hear his voice, but I just wasn't ready to actually talk to him and explain what was going on.

"Hey...are you okay? I've texted you multiple times now and you haven't replied. I—I mean you're not obligated to respond or anything, I'm just...worried about you. We don't need to talk if you don't want to. Boundaries and all that. I just need to know if you're safe. Your dad, he scares me, you know? I don't know what I'd do if he...did something to you. I'm sorry for rambling, just please let me know somehow if you're okay. I really love you, and I hope you're alright. Bye."

My eyes teared up as I listened, partially from how sweet the message was but also because of how guilty I felt. He was worried sick about me all day and I couldn't even do the bare minimum of opening his voicemail and listening to it.

I quickly opened my text messages and typed out a long text to the boy. I was glad he wasn't pressuring me to talk to him if I didn't want to, so I didn't feel as bad about leaving him out of my problems and dealing with it entirely by myself.

Kyran: hey. i listened to your voicemail just now, and i'm sorry for not reaching out sooner. i wanted to let you know that i'm okay, i'm not mad at you, and i will tell you what's happening soon. i'm just not ready to talk about anything right now. i need to sort through my own feelings first before i dump a whole load of negative stuff all over you. i know you probably want to help but i'd prefer if i didn't use you as a therapist or something because you're my boyfriend and you do not need to have that sort of heavy weight on your shoulders. thank you for caring so much about me though. i love you so much. i will text you again soon.

Edwin replied almost immediately, as if he had been on edge waiting all day for a text from me (which he probably was).

Edwin: okay i'm glad you're okay!!! and take all the time you need. just know that i'm always here. i may not be able to help you with everything but if you need to rant or vent about anything, don't feel scared about doing it to me.

Kyran: ❤️

Edwin: ❤️

I put my phone down and stared at my wall late into the night, until the rain slowed down, the sun began to rise, and I heard birds chirping outside my window. I looked at the light filtering past my curtains, casting a dim shade of greyish blue all over my room.

My mind was blank. I didn't even know what I wanted anymore. I knew that things likely wouldn't change for the better, at least not any time soon. I knew that I needed to put some distance between Edwin and I, as painful as it seemed. He and I had just gotten together, and either way, he was my best —and only—friend. I didn't want life to go back to how it was during the time the boy was mad at me and I spent all of my time alone. I didn't do well when I was lonely.

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