11 | peanut butter chips.

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chapter eleven.
peanut butter chips.

peanut butter chips

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The next few days passed quickly. On Friday morning, I went up to Edwin's locker the moment I saw him.

"Hey," he greeted me, a smile erupting on his face. "You okay? You look a bit tired."

I returned his smile and nodded. "I'm fine. Um, hey, I was thinking, maybe we could hang out downtown or something today—I was thinking about getting some ice cream. I don't have work, and I told my parents I do so they wouldn't really know the difference."

"Oh," he said. "Maybe. I'll have to talk to Nathan first, because he'd need to drive me."

"Well, he can come along if he'd like. Maybe that'd convince him." I offered.

Edwin shrugged. "Knowing him, he'd ask to come along anyway if it involves ice cream, so good thing you offered it," he chuckled. "How about you invite someone too? So I don't feel awkward about bringing a plus one to a hangout that was supposed to be just us two."

My heart fluttered at his words. "Yeah, sure. I have a friend—Nadine. I'll ask her to come along. Nathan will like her, you will too."

"Sounds awesome," the two minute bell rang, cutting our conversation short. "I'll see you later. Text me the details once you've got them sorted, okay?"


I watched as he walked off, my heart pounding.


"Hey, Ky."

I turned around, seeing Edwin and Nathan walking up to me as I stood outside the ice cream parlor. I glanced at Nadine and she grinned.

"Hi, Edwin." I answered. "How's it going?" I directed the question towards Nathan.

"Good, thank you." he replied.

The four of us walked inside the parlor, discussing what types of ice cream we'd like.

"I'm thinking about strawberry or something. You?" Edwin asked me, nudging my side with his elbow. I shrugged.

"I dunno. I don't eat ice cream much."

"Really?" He looked surprised. "Why?"

"My parents never buy it, nor do I ever go out and get ice cream ever. I mean McDonalds has an ice cream machine but it's just chocolate and vanilla," I tell him. "I don't know much about these fancy flavors and all that."

"Well, then let me order for you. Are you allergic to anything?"

I shake my head. "No."

"Perfect. Go find us a seat and I'll surprise you with something I'm sure you'll like." he patted my back before joining Nadine and Nathan who were a few steps ahead of us, getting in line to order.

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