15 | favorite memory.

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chapter fifteen.
favorite memory.

favorite memory

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I woke up to someone calling my name.

I opened my eyes, confusion washing over me when I realized I wasn't in my bedroom, nor was I lying down like I thought I'd be. I looked around and saw Edwin standing across his living room, looking at me with a smirk.

"And I thought I was tired," he said. "I've been calling your name for ages."

"Liar," I whined, rubbing my eyes. My back hurt from sitting on the floor and laying against the couch. I shakily stood up and stretched. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, walking towards the boy.

"Less than an hour. It's only six." he replied, sitting down on a stool in his kitchen. "I woke up around five. I somehow managed to sleep for exactly thirty minutes despite you not waking me up."

I sat down on the other stool. "Sorry."

"I'm just joking," Edwin said. "Anyway, we still have like...three and a half hours until you have to leave. Is there anything you want to do in particular?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm bad at coming up with ideas."

My friend pursed his lips, deep in thought. "We could watch a movie or something," he offered. "There's time for that."

"Yeah but it'll just make us tired again," I reasoned. "I don't wanna waste any time I have with you by sleeping."

Edwin stared at me for a moment after I spoke, a strange look in his eyes. Just as I was about to say something else, he broke our eye contact and looked down at the counter in front of us.

"Let's take a walk." He finally suggested, returning his gaze to mine with a smile on his face.

I nodded, reflecting his grin. "Okay."

And five minutes later we were stepping off of his porch and into the sunshine bathing everything around us in an orange glow. It was only the middle of March so the sun was beginning to set pretty early in the day, and the air was crisp, the cold wind nipping at our noses. I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head, shivers racking my body from head to toe.

My friend began telling a story about a trip he took to Disneyland many years ago as a young boy, back before he had so many health problems that arose out of seemingly nowhere. He described the way the air always smelled sweet, the way the rides (those of which he was actually tall enough to ride on) felt like actual magic. He told me he hadn't felt much happiness since those three days he spent at the park when he was nine years old.

"I don't really know why I'm telling you this," he finished, kicking a rock out of our path. "I guess I just wanted you to know about my happiest moment ever. You need to know my entire life hasn't been just one miserable mess, y'know?" We both chuckled.

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