05 | get to know you.

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get to know you.

get to know you

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I saw Edwin again the next day at school, during lunch. I had never noticed him before during my lunch period, so I wondered where he had suddenly appeared from.

I could barely pay attention to what Dan and Nadine were saying because my mind was so occupied with thoughts of Edwin—and, they couldn't stop because I was looking at him from across the cafeteria. He sat alone at a round table with no one else sitting beside him, and was eating the main meal that was provided for us by the school. His phone was in hand, and his earbuds were in, probably drowning out the world—well, specifically our annoying and loud high school peers sitting at tables around him. I'd put earbuds in too if it weren't for the two sitting across from me, who liked to drag me into their conversations every once in a while, probably just to make me feel included or something. It didn't really work, obviously, since I knew exactly what they were doing and it just made me feel worse.

Speaking of, Nadine pulled me right into their damn conversation while I just wanted to let my mind drift and wander, and not talk to anybody.

"Hey, Ky," she said, catching my attention. I turned my head towards the younger girl. "What are you looking at?"

I pursed my lips and cast my eyes downwards. "Nothing." I told her shortly.

Dan scoffed. "Bullshit." A few seconds of silence passed between the three of us. I still wouldn't say a word. "Fine, then. Nadine, let's just leave him alone, since he wants to be all emo and shit."

Hot anger flared within me. "What the fuck is your problem?" I exclaimed. I gripped the plastic fork I held tightly in my hand, becoming more and more pissed off by the second.

"What's my problem? Maybe ask yourself that question." Dan retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Guys, calm down." Nadine interjected, grabbing Dan's arm. The boy shoved her off, keeping his sharp gaze on me the entire time.

"Kyran, you do realize we don't even like you?"

My breath hitched. A sick, dreadful feeling almost immediately began to replace the fury.

"We never have. Well, at least I never liked you. I only tolerate you because Nadine is my best friend," the boy continued. "But I'm sick of sitting here while you mope around and shit. Grow the fuck up, dude."

Tears pricked at my eyes. This can't be happening. That panicked feeling spread through me, and I felt like throwing up.

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