The Gate - [PT2]

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third person pov

Hopper and El made their way to the gate. Hopper was in front, ready to hurt anything in their way. After a communication with Dr. Owens, he was sure that after this, El would be safe.


Meanwhile, Steve and the other kids were in the Upside Down tunnels. They poured gas all over the vines on the floor. When they finished, they stood in the tunnel the came from, Steve in front.

He held out the lighter and turned it on. He threw it, and the whole area burst into flames. Vines moved around and screeched in pain as the five watched before running back to where they entered from.

"Go! Go! Go! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my god."


In the cabin, Will began screaming hysterically and making screeching noises. Practically his whole body had turned black and he shook in the bed. Everyone backed up and looked at him with concerned faces.

Suddenly, a black dust began to exit from his mouth as his eyes got wider. The sounds of screaming and screeching filled up the room. The dust swirled around above Will and dashed out through the door.

Nancy and Y/n chased it outside and watched as it disappeared into thin air. Y/n looked over at Nancy. "Is it..dead?"

"I don't know..we'll have to assume that it is. But, it's out of Will now, and he'll be safer."

y/n's pov

"'s out of Will now, and he'll be safer."


I turned my head back to the door. Ms. Byers and Jonathan were sat on the bed, hugging Will. They were all hugging each other.

I sighed and Nancy nudged my shoulder. I turned to look at her and she had a small smile. "Go." She mouthed. I smiled a bit and went inside. My footsteps echoed through the quiet room, causing the three to turn and looked at me.

Will sat up a little bit. "Y/n/n."

I sat down next to him and we threw ourselves onto each other. I heard soft sobs coming from him as he dug his face into my neck. I rubbed circles on his back and tried not to cry. I needed to stay strong for him.

"I-i'm sorry. He hurt you..and..and I tried to stop him. I tried, but I couldn't. I'm sorry." Will mumbled.

"It's okay. I'm okay. We're safe now. El is closing the gate. He won't hurt us anymore. He won't hurt you anymore."

We hugged each other for a really long time. It felt like an eternity. I didn't want this to end. I wish we could just stay here, in each others arms, forever.

After a while, Ms. Byers cleared her throat. Will and I let go of each other and looked over at her. She smiled softly. "Sorry to interrupt you kids, but, uh, we have to get going."

As we got ready to leave, the lamp on the coffee table began to shine brighter. I looked at it and looked back at everyone else. Soon after, it dimmed again.

We left the cabin and made our way to the Byers' house, where we met up with everyone. A broken plate was scattered across the floor along with a puddle of blood.

"Tell me later?" I whispered to Max.

"Definitely." She sighed.

We helped clean up around the house, throwing away the Upside Down tunnel drawings and sweeping up the floor.

It was gonna be back to normal again. No more monsters.


One month later...

"Since the release of the incendiary tape, the once quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, has spent time in a place it never expected. The national spotlight. Under mounting pressure, several high-ranking members from the U.S. Department of Energy have admitted involvement in the death and cover-up of Hawkins resident Barbara Holland who died due to exposure to an experimental chemical asphyxiant which had leaked from the grounds of the lab..." The news lady spoke on the TV as the party and I got ready for Barbara's funeral at Mike's house.

"Well, that's bullshit." I sighed as I slipped on my black flats.

"I know, but it's better off if people don't know." Mike said.


"Kids, are you ready?" Mrs. Wheeler called from the kitchen.

"Yeah." We chorused.

We all got in the car and went to Barbara's funeral together.


A week later..

Will invited me over to his house. This is the first time in a while that we hang out. Just the two of us. I unbuckled my seatbelt as my mom pulled up to the Byers' house.

"Okay, I talked to Ms. Byers. She's gonna drop you off around 9, okay?"

"Okay. Bye, mom." I kissed my mom on the cheek as I exited the car.


I shut the door and walked to the porch. I knocked on the door, and as soon as I knocked, Will opened the door.

"Hey!" He smiled his adorable smile.

"Hi." I smiled back as he opened the door wider, allowing me to enter. I walked inside and was greeted by Ms. Byers and Jonathan in the living room.

"Hey, Ms. Byers. Hey, Jonathan."

"Hi, Y/n." The both smiles and waved. I waved back and followed Will to his room. He shut the door and sat on his desk chair.

I sat on his bed and sighed. "So...what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" He questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked around. I could feel his gaze still on me.

"I wanted to ask you something.." Will began.

"Lay it on me."

"You're going to the Snowball, right?"

I nodded in response.

"Oh, alright. Well...I was wondering if..if you wanted to go with me?"

I smiled. "Well, duh, we're going together. The whole party is going together."

"No, I meant, like.." He sighed and turned crimson red. "if you my date."

My eyes widened. Wow. I would not expect him to ask me. Of course I will. I could've sworn I said that out loud, but I guess I didn't, because he kept looking at me, waiting for a reply.

"Sorry, I was stupid to ask. You obviously don't wanna go with me. Forget I asked. Uh-" Will began.



"Of course I'll go with you." I smiled and blushed. "I'd love to."

Will's smile grew larger and he blushed way more. "Oh, alright. Cool, cool."

The rest of the day we talked, watched movies, drew a little bit and ate. I was so excited. My crush asked me to be his date for the Snowball.

merry christmas to all the hispanics out there (like me😘)

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