Will the Wise - [PT2] - FINAL PT

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y/n's pov

after school

Mike went to go call the Byers household on the school phone. He put the telephone down and ran back to us.

"Anything?" Lucas questioned.

"We need to talk. AV room. Right now."

We all stood up to go inside the building. Mike looked directly at Max as she stood up. "Party members only.

"Mike, come on. Just let her go in with us." I said.


"Why?" I argued.

"Because I said no!"

"Seriously? That's the worst excuse i've ever he—"

"Just shut up! Come on."

"I feel like something weird is happening with Will. Has he told you anything, Y/n?"

I thought about telling them, but then I would be breaking my promise. "No."

"If Will really has true sight, if he can really see into the Upside Down, maybe he saw that shadow again yesterday." Mike stated.

"So that's why he was frozen like that." Dustin added.


"Can it hurt him? I mean, if this shadow thing isn't from our world..."

"I'm not sure, Dustin?" Mike looked at Dustin.

"Well, if your in another plane, you can't interact with the material plane, so theoretically, no, the shadow can't hurt him." Dustin informed.

"Yeah, if that's even what's happening. This isn't D&D. This is real life."

"So, what do we do?" Lucas questioned.

"We acquire more knowledge. Y/n can go to Will's house. See what's going on. We'll stay here and find Dart." Mike instructed.

"Dart? What's he got to do with this?" Dustin got defensive.

"Will heard him in the Upside Down." I acknowledged.

"I don't know how yet, but he's gotta be connected to all this. He's gotta be. If we find Dart, maybe we can solve this thing. We can help Will."

We all grabbed our things and we about to leave. Okay. Now I'm gonna tell them about my powers.

"Wait, guys."

They all looked at me.

"I was gonna say this earlier, but I have pow-"

Of course I was interrupted by Max barging in the door. "Are you guys done yet?"

I sighed deeply as the boys got distracted and I didn't get the chance to tell them. We all split up and I headed over to the Byers' household. When I got there, the chief's car was there.

I knocked on the door and waited a bit. Ms. Byers opened the door. "Hi, sweetie."

"Hi, Ms. Byers. I can to see Will. How's he doing?"

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