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Heather's POV

What? Did I hear right?
A dare?
A fucking dare?

The room was silent.

I turn my face to Jai and he was about to say something when he was cut off by Gabriella.

"If you don't believe me look at this" She said un-pausing the video.

"Daniel fell in the pool by the way" I say while giggling. "so he went to bed and now I'm alone nobody to partayyyy with"

"I'll go after this round" Jai tells me.

"Yay!" I was totally drunk. "I'll be over thereee" I pointed to the living room and started walking back to the living room. Well, I could barely walk.

"Jai!" I heard someone call Jai. He turns his attention to where the voice came from.


"It's you're turn" Luke said. "Gabriella will dare you"

"Okay" He looked over at her.

She had a smirk on her face.

"I dare you to.." she paused. "date Heather" she said.

"What?" Jai looked at her.

"Date her for a month, then you can dump her if you want." She said.

I looked over at everyone looking at me. I was on the edge of crying. This isn't true. Jai loves me. I know he does.

"I can't do that, she's my - a really good friend of mine" Jai said to her.

"It's either date her and dump her, or I'll show everyone you know what" She looked at him with a serious face.

Jai looked over to me. He shook his head. "no"

"Alright, is that you're decision?" She asked.

"Fuck!" He looked over at Luke for help. He shrugged at me.

"Fine. But give me one to two months." Jai said.

I broke there.

"Great. You must sleep with her to to complete your dare" She said.

"What?! No"

"Up to you Jai" she said.

"What if she says no when I ask her out?" He ask.

"Then you failed" she said.

The film stopped. Everyone was quite and looking at me.

"Heather, I can explai-" Jai started but I stopped him.

"Don't. You obviously won the dare. Congratulations, another dare that was accomplished" I began walking towards the door.

"It was like that at the beginning, but now I have actua-"

"Shut up!" I turned around. "You and everyone else that was involved in this are some cold hearted fuckers who don't have a fucking chill. Make sure next time you do a dare to not hurt anyone." I opened the door and walked out slamming the door.

I heard the door open and shut but I didn't pay much attention to it. I felt someone next to me, and it wasn't Jai.

"Heather, look at me" I was turned around and was met with Luke. "I'm sorry for what he did, I knew all along and I knew it was stupid of him agreeing but he has been in some serious shit..." Luke looked at me.

I dare you [J.B]Where stories live. Discover now