Normal Crush Stuff (Ajax Petropolus)

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It was your first day at Nevermore, the acclaimed school for outcasts, you weren't expecting to know anyone in the school until you find out your tour guide is a familiar gorgon.

Principal Weems greeted you and sang the school's praises until she moved on and introduces you to your tour guide. "And this will be your tour guide, Ajax Petropolus, an amazing gorgon," Principal Weems smiles and Ajax waves at you. You recognized his name and face from somewhere but you brushed it off and waved back. "Anyways I must be off," Weems turns her attention to Ajax, "Show her around will you?" Weems walks off into the school.

You and Ajax stood there awkwardly for a bit, "I'm Ajax, which you already," he says introducing himself for a second time. You introduce yourself to him with your first name and he starts the tour, though the whole time he looks at your face weirdly, as if trying to decode it. It weirded you out but you didn't mind much.

"And this is your dorm," he looks back at you. "Thanks, Ajax Petropolus, right?" you wanted to remember his name since it felt like you knew him from somewhere. "Yeah, and your last name is?" you tell him your last name to him and his eyes light up. He repeats your last name and smiles when you nod.

"Holy shit, I haven't seen you in so long!" he excitedly explains but the confused look on your face dampens his mood. "Do you not remember me? Y'know, Ajax Petropolus, your best friend in the 5th grade who accidentally stoned you twice," he explains. That's when it clicked, you remembered him and now you knew why he felt familiar.

"Ajax!?" you say surprised and he just engulfs you in a hug, which you return. "It's so great to see you! How have you been?" you ask with a giddy tone. "Well I'm doing much better with you here," he smiles back at you.


You and Ajax had rekindled your lost friendship and it had been going great until you realized your feeling started becoming more than just friendship. This made you zone out more, wondering if he'd ever like you back. Ajax brushed it off until it became daily, he felt ignored and was confused about what you had on your mind. So he made it his mission to find out what kept distracting you from him.

It was lunch and you had zoned out again, only giving nods or "mhms," to answer Ajax. "Why can't you just tell me what's on your mind," Ajax drones. "Because I'm telling you it's nothing," that was a huge lie, but you didn't know what you should've told him. There was no way you were about just outright to tell him you liked him. "It's obviously not nothing," he argues. "I need to start heading to my next class, see you later Ajax," you said and packed your stuff and got up and walked off. "Wait no-" Ajax could only watch you walk away. He needed to find a way to make you tell him what was going on, no matter what, cause if you didn't soon it might really hurt the friendship. Ajax came up with a plan, and he knew it was going to work.

Your class ended and you were going to meet up with Ajax at your lockers like you always did. You saw him standing there and you walked up to him but he walked away without a word. It continued like that for the rest of the day. You decided to try and text him.

You: Hey can we talk?

You: You keep ignoring me whats going on?

You: I'm coming over

You awaited a response, but you didn't get one.

Read at 4:37

You sighed and started walking to his dorm. You knocked on his door and he opened the door, "Come in," he let you in. He shuts and locks the door behind him but stands infront of it.

"You've been ignoring me Ajax, out of nowhere on top of that, what's going on?" you question him but his demeanour doesn't change, he seemed weirdly calm.

"I've been ignoring you 'cause I needed to get you in here," he responds casually.

"What?" you didn't understand what he meant. "I needed to find a way to force you to talk to me, and I knew the perfect way to do that," he smiles as the realization dawns on you. "I can't tell you why my mind is occupied, it's complicated," you try and explain. "Well then tell me everything in a way I can understand, we have a lot of time 'til lights out," he says, you could tell he wasn't letting you out until you told him the truth.

"School work has just been stressful, okay," you lied straight through your teeth in hopes of getting out. "Do you think I couldn't see straight through that lie, you just told me it was complicated," he crosses his arms.

You sigh, "I tell you the truth and you let me out, right?" you ask and he nods.

"I like you, well love, and my mind has been taken over by me asking myself if you'd ever date me, normal crush stuff" you walk toward him, "Now let me out," you look him in the eye.

"No," he replies further covering the door with his body. "What?" you furrow your eyebrows.

"You drop an L-bomb on a guy who likes you back and expect them to just let you walk away," he says smiling. "You, like me back?" you ask skeptically. "Yup," he pops his mouth at the end of the word.

You contemplate your situation, you're in your crush's dorm, alone, and he likes you back. You were not expecting this.

Ajax brings his face closer to yours, "I can tell you aren't going to make the first move so," he brings his lips to yours. You're in shock but you didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

"I've been waiting to do that," you say. "Let's do it some more then," Ajax starts kissing you again.

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