Forced Proximity (Rowan Laslow)

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You and Rowan never talked, it wasn't that you didn't like each other you just assumed you wouldn't be good friends. Rowan was known for being organized, on time, and well-kept. You might've been on time, but you weren't known to be the most organized person in the world, nor did you really care about what others thought about you. So the two of you just kept your distance from the other, neither of you wanted to get into pointless fights and you both respected your differences.

You would've kept it like this until one day Ms. Thornhill thought it would be a good idea to pair you two up for a project that would be worth a good chunk of your grade.

Now it was after class and you were just packing your bag when you felt someone behind you. You looked back and saw Rowan standing there. "Oh, hey Rowan," you say with a smile.

"Hey, do you think we could work on the project tonight, I like to start on projects earlier than most," he says trying desperately to not make it awkward.

"Sure, I'd rather get this finished quick," he nods at your reply understanding what you meant, he didn't take it to heart since he felt the same.

You continued with your day normally and attended all your classes before you realized you had no way to contact Rowan. You unlocked your phone to ask a friend if they had Rowan's number until you saw a notification from an unknown number.

Rowan: Hey, this is Rowan.

Rowan: I got your number from Xavier.

You: cool

You: when do you want to meet up for the project

You wait for a response, which comes quickly.

Rowan: Could you come over now?

You: sure

With that, you got up and packed a few textbooks you felt you might need before walking over to his dorm. You only knew where his dorm was since sometimes you hung out with Xavier in there. Once you got there you knocked on the door. Rowan opened it and invited you in, you placed your bag on the ground and turned to him. "So, where do you want me to sit," you ask not wanting to piss him off by being informal. "We can sit on my bed," Rowan responded, he was amused at your attempt to not make him mad even though he didn't really care.

You two sat on the bed and started working on the project you repeatedly cracked jokes when you could. You realized you can make tons of jokes with plants. Rowan acted annoyed but the smile that graced his face whenever you laughed at your jokes made it obvious he was having fun.

You two finally finished the project which surprised you due to the many times you two needed a break just to stop laughing.

"Y'know Rowan, I thought this was going to be horrible, 'cause from what I've heard about you it sounded like you had a stick up your ass," you say between laughs.

"From what I heard you sounded like you were incompetent and messy," he replies, his laughter dying down.

"I'm glad Ms. Thornhill paired us up for this project, made me realize we could be friends," you say with a smile. He nods his head in response and you continue talking until its time for you to go back to your dorm.


It had been a few months since the project that helped you and Rowan become friends. All your friends were baffled at this unexpected friendship but they embraced it. With the development of your friendship, you also developed feelings for Rowan that were more romantic. At the development of these feelings you tried slowly distancing yourself from Rowan, you might've been amazing friends with him but you were scared that admitting your feelings could've destroyed your friendship.

So it led you to now, you were in Ms. Thornhill's class, the only empty seat being beside Rowan. You tried your hardest to not look at him but succumbed to your emotions and looked at him to only be met with his eyes that were already looking at you. You quickly averted your gaze hoping he didn't notice, even though you knew he did.

Once class ended you left and were walking to your next class until you felt someone pull you into a dark and empty classroom. While your eyes adjusted to the darkness you found a wall which you leaned on, you saw a figure standing very close to you. You tried getting a closer look when the figure flicked the light switch that was beside your head but kept their hand there. You saw Rowan standing there, with his hand planted on the wall beside your head. Before you got a word in he spoke, "Why have you been avoiding me," his voice was stern and collected, but you could still hear anger and confusion behind it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I have to get to class I don't want to be late," you say trying to walk off but an arm slams into the wall beside your head stopping you dead in your tracks. You look back into his eyes and it's this mixture of hurt, anger and something more, something like longing. Your breath hitched at the sight and guilt took over your features.

"Please just tell me," he pleaded and it broke your heart just hearing his voice sound so pained.

You swallowed, "I- I like you," you spat out closing your eyes in fear of rejection. Nothing happened for a few seconds until you felt arms pull you off the wall and hug you. You opened your eyes to see Rowan hugging you with a huge smile on his face. "I like you too," he whispered into your ear. You hugged him tighter in response a smile now on your face.

The two of you pulled away and stared into each other eyes before Rowan gently kissed you. Your arms found their way around his neck.

At this point you couldn't care if you were late for class, this was all you needed to be happy right now.

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