Double Trouble (Xavier Thorpe & Ajax Petropolus)

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Ajax and Xavier were participating in the Poe cup and their costumes were based on jesters. They had the costumes down but they needed some help with the makeup and asked for your help.

"Okay Xavier, just sit down on the chair and I'll get to you next Ajax," you say and get the makeup ready. Xavier listens to you and sits down, you bend down to meet his height on the chair, then you start to do his makeup. His eyes follow your movements closely which didn't annoy you, you expected it. What irked you was how he kept squirming. "Stay still," you command but he still didn't stop. Getting fed up with this you grab his chin and sit on his lap and continue to do his makeup. He froze immediately which satisfied you since that's exactly what you needed to properly finish his makeup.

You finally finish his makeup, let go of his chin and stand back.

"Okay I'm done with your makeup Xavier so Ajax you're next," Xavier silently stands up and Ajax takes his place on the seat.

You start doing Ajax's makeup but he starts moving around like Xavier.

"Stay still," you said and tried to continue, but his squirming was relentless so you opted to do what you did with Xavier. You sit on Ajax's lap and grab his chin and start doing the details of the teeth which was based on the makeup look he showed you.

"Okay you two are done" you check the time, "you have ten minutes prep time, now go" you three walk out of the tent and they run up to their canoe.

After the ten minutes pass the race starts and you watch, smiling to yourself. You knew what you were doing in the tent and you knew why they froze up. You had just been playing it off as you tried to finish their makeup when in fact it was the best opportunity to get closer to your two crushes.


You saw the boy's canoe start sinking and you laughed when Xavier hit the canoe out of frustration but fell off the seat because of it.

Once you saw the Black Cats nearing the finish line you cheered for them among the many other students. The Black cats won, and you weren't going to let Xavier or Ajax live it down.

After principal Weems finished her speech you immediately went to go search for Xavier and Ajax.

You sent them a text asking where they were and they said Ajax's dorm. You started to make your way up to his dorm and let yourself in since they said the door was unlocked. The two boys were sitting on Ajax's bed and you joined them.

"So, how's it feel to lose?" you question with a smirk on your face.

Xavier groans and Ajax rolls his eyes before letting out a small giggle. Xavier just sends him a glare that causes Ajax to burst out laughing which made you laugh too.

"You should see the look on your face Xavier," Ajax said between laughs. "Shut up," he acts bothered but the small smile on his face said otherwise.

"You should've seen when he hit the canoe angrily, but then fell off his seat! His hat fell off too, it was hilarious," you tell Ajax.

"You saw that," Xavier looks at you flustered. You nod with a shit-eating grin on your face.

"Then how 'bout we talk about how you sat on both of our laps" Xavier teases back. You weren't expecting that and you went silent trying to figure out what to say. "Okay, you got me there," you accepted defeat.

"Anyways, what do you want to do now," you say and get up to check the time on your phone that was in your bag.

Unbeknownst to you Xavier and Ajax looked at each other smiling, they may have or may have not had something planned to get back at you for sitting on their laps.

You feel someone walk up behind you, you were about to turn around when you felt someone place their hands on your waist. "You knew what you were doing when you sat on our laps, didn't you?" you hear Xavier's voice whisper in your ear, his breath hitting your neck. Ajax walks infront of you and places his hands over Xavier and their hands brush against each other. "We've liked you for a while, and we're guessing that was a hint you like us back?" Ajax says with a smug smile on his face, his face was now inches from yours.

Your heart was racing and you could feel the heat creeping up your neck to your face. You just gazed into Ajax's eyes not able to muster up a sound. He just kissed you and you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He separated his lips from yours and Xavier took one hand off your waist and gently turned your head with it and kissed you. One of your arms stayed around Ajax's neck but the other found its way into Xavier's hair as you kissed him. You needed air and broke the kiss.

"I'm so glad I have the both of you," you look back at Ajax who smiles in response and Xavier rests his head in the crook of your face and hums in response.

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