7. fairytale | 동화

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It stung both of their hearts, as well as their wishes, were fulfilled.

Nicholas and Dan-oh found each other, but at the wrong time.

But they decided to watch the positive side.

Humans always had risks of dying from the moment they were born.

So why should they be worrying over something trivial?

The two young adults decided to set aside reality and live in their own magical fairytale of happiness and love.

It was noon and the duo decided to have a private lunch on the terrace. Dan-oh managed to lead the community kitchen for a while and cooked a meal for her and Nicholas.

"It looks delicious noona,"
Nicholas smiled, as his eyes disappeared into little crescents. He savored each dish and it felt more tastier when he kept thinking that Dan-oh, specially prepared his favorite dishes.

After a long period, Nicholas felt loved and cared for. Even if it was a faint affection from the elder female.

"I missed cooking for you,"
Dan-oh chuckled lightly and wiped the clumsy eater's lips.

"I missed everything about you..."
Nicholas replied softly as his eyes traveled up to meet the elder's hazel irises.

Dan-oh had a lot to convey verbally but it felt difficult at that time to speak. She was feeling euphoric just by the way Nicholas looked at her.
Dan-oh wished that this moment lasted forever and let the latter know how much she regret leaving him alone.

"I always loved you Noona, where did it all go wrong?"
Nicholas mumbled and held the girl's hand tightly. The elder softly sighed and leaned in to join forehead with the younger.

"Everything has its own fault Nicho...we have to accept it and stabilize our lives...

that's what it is, Life."

She smiled softly at the latter and gently pecked the tip of his nose.

"But why...why accept it when we can fix it. Let's fix it together Jang Dan-oh,"
Nicholas was almost pleading. He couldn't lose his beloved twice.

"Even if there is a solution the path is unfeasible."


Why do I feel cheesy when I'm the one who's writing this-TT

Pls he is adorbs<33

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