4. found her | 그녀를 찾았다

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"Can I call you Nicho?"
The little girl on his lap raised a request.

"You can call me anything Yelinnie!"
Nicholas smiled widely and patted her head.

"You know what the magician noona is really pretty! All the guys here want to date her but she only likes pretty princess Yelin!"
She said proudly and flipped her hair sassily.

She certainly reminded him of someone.

Nicholas quickly shook his head.

He had been thinking of Dan-oh too often.

It's been ten years, but he still was not over that pretty and confident girl.

Who would, Dan-oh was an angel dropped from the sky by mistake. She was too perfect for this dark world.

Nicholas was shaken out of his thoughts by the loud applause in the community hall. Everyone in the building was present to watch the magic show.

Soon the curtain raised revealing a masked magician in a sleek black gown. She removed her mask revealing her flawless face to bow to the crowd.

And Nicholas couldn't breathe as soon he caught a glimpse of that infamously beautiful magician.

It was too real to be a dream.


It felt like something was blocking his chest from breathing.

She was there in front of me.

I found her.

Nicholas' thoughts wandered for an antidote.

"Do you know her, Nicho?"
The kid certainly noticed that the brunette guy was suffering. She turned towards him and patted his hand gently with her small ones.

"I do..."
Nicholas smiled as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"She is my first love...
And the last."


Disappearing Act ■Nicholas■ &TEAMWhere stories live. Discover now