2. magic show | 마술 쇼

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[Trigger warning! - mention of blood and bullying]

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[Trigger warning! - mention of blood and bullying]

"Yah! Leave him alone you bastards!"
That voice made the teen feel all healed even if he was dipped in his own pool of blood.

Dan-oh was all he needed to smile like an idiot.

After scurrying off the bullies her furious persona turned into a worried one when her eyes implanted on the latter.
"Nicho...Why are you not fighting back? I can't see you getting hurt like this..."
Dan-oh kneeled and pulled out a kerchief to wipe the younger's blood.

"I'm a coward noona...but you are always there to save me,"
Nicholas smiled that much adorableness that Dan-oh could never resist.

The older girl caressed the side of his face softly and glanced at him. Her eyes were the testimony of the infinite adoration and care she had for Nicholas.

"Dumbo! You are not a coward. I'm your strength Nicho, and I would never leave your side."


"Ahn-Hae Cancer Care Centre will be on the left."
The GPS tracker announcement woke the brunnete up from a light slumber.

"Are we there?"
He asked tiredly as his eyes scanned the surroundings.

"Almost. Hyung, Are you really ok with this?"
Fuma looked back as soon as the car stopped in front of the multi-storeyed building.

"I'm fine...just don't worry,"

Sorry for lying Fuma.


After all the procedures they showed Nicholas his way to the assigned room. Fuma first hesitated to leave his friend but the latter somewhat convinced him to leave.

After taking a deep sigh, The twenty-year-old stood near the window by leaning his left side on the wall.

From the time everyone found out that he was a cancer patient, glances of pity were thrown at him. It was more horrible than all those medicines he had to take.

It was so bitter.

"Oppa! You are so handsome!"

The tall male flinched hearing a shrill voice. Turning to the front, he encountered a little girl in cute pigtails. Soon his frown was ruptured and replaced by a wide smile.

"Aw thank you, little miss! You are really pretty as a princess,"
Nicholas chuckled and kneeled to her level as she returned a soft gummy smile.

Soon they both got along. Yelin was her name, she was such a bubbly child. Nicholas understood that she was a patient here sponsored by the convent orphanage. He didn't ask much more as he was worried that it would hurt the child's feelings.

Both of them were now playing snake and ladder but soon Yelin broke the silence.

"Oppa wanna watch a magic show with me?"


I hate the magic he used to make me both sad and happy.

Nicholas' mind wandered in thoughts.


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