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Kylians POV:
It was 7pm and to be honest i had nothing to do. Normally I have something do, like chilling with my family but they weren't even in. As i came back from the toilet my phone was flooded with messages:

marco: anyone wanna grab dinner in an hour? we haven't been out as bros in a minute, jessica will be with me

leo: sorry maybe next time

achraf: yes bro just text the details, will bring hiba

neymar: ouiiiii✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

me: yes

At first I was really hesitant when Marco texted me as tensions have risen lately especially on my behalf. I admit that I get wound up easily, do some things then regret it a lot afterwards, but that's life. Especially with ney, I think we both just have that strong winning mentality and both want to be the best. However, I am glad that we have simmered down as collectively we need to become a serious club again. Today would be a nice day to be like how we used to be because to be honest Neymar is my fucking brother and I actually did miss him. To be honest, I was just waiting on achraf's reply because if he is going that obviously means that I am going. Achraf has helped me a lot through this whole saga and we have gotten very close, it's like he just gets me. Anyway I am glad that Marco wants to meet, I am hoping that we will become that tight friendship group like how we all used to be.

 Anyway I am glad that Marco wants to meet, I am hoping that we will become that tight friendship group like how we all used to be

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i quickly put on an outfit and drove to the location that marco sent.

Selenas POV:
Everyone was at the restaurant now it was the fucking psg boys!! To be honest i wasn't nervous I just said my greetings and just started having a mini conversation with jessica whilst the rest of the boys were speaking about their teammate. I am really nosy and was trying to multi task so I could the gossip as I love football but I failed miserably.

'How have you been my good old friend?' neymar asks me, i chuckle because my other best friend is bruna marquezine, his ex. I don't know if he still misses her or wants her back but they were really the blueprint and i low-key miss them together - but I cannot have bruna broken over a man like that, it's just not healthy.

'i'm great my friend, what a coincidence that we meet again', i say with a smirk on my face.

'i know right, how is everyone from your side doing?' neymar asks me. Everyone starts bursts out laughing as they know what he means, i get kind of confused until achraf spits out how he misses bruna.

i start giggling as i'm glad my girlfriend has that power over neymar, it's just really refreshing to see. 'next time i'll bring bruna', i tell neymar and jokingly wink at him.

The night went well amazingly and i am honestly surprised because i do not do well around people i haven't seen in ages but they were all so lovely. Even kylian was really getting involved, when i came to paris before he honestly didn't get involved in conversations and meet ups, i think cause he was dealing with his ex or 'talking stage', it's nice to see him with none of that now because gosh he is a character. I think I always judge people too early aswell, because when i didn't know him i thought he looked like a turtle but boy was i wrong. he was actually really really handsome, my eyes were deceived.

'how long are you in paris for?' kylian asks me whilst everyone else is having private conversations.

'erm... *i blush*... not for long, i mean my schedule is free now i can go back whenever', i say foolishly knowing i have practically embarrassed myself

because we were talking about imessage games before, he now brings it up again and says 'i bet your so shit at them, vs me then selena hadid'.

he said that so confidently and it actually pissed me off, 'you need to be humbled asap kylian mbappe', i say  as i snatched his phone to put my number in.

Everyone had just finished eating, i don't even know who took the bill that's how much of a good time i had, not worrying about anything in my life for once and living in the moment. All of a sudden i had an urge of wanting to stay in france forever with this being my friendship group, i never get feelings like this but wow.  I hug everyone and thank them because i felt like i had made long lasting connections. I gave kylian an extra long hug, it felt like he wouldn't let go as he wrapped his hands around my waist, but i was not complaining because i was cemented in the smell of his strong cologne until he let go as our booking was long gone.

jessica's pov
As i waited in the car for selena to get in, i began discussing what i had just witnessed to marco to see if he had noticed it aswell.

'of course i did' pleads marco confidently, i let out a huge sigh, knowing that i have married this man and we have the same thoughts.

'hi guys,' selena says as she finally gets in the car.
'i bet you had a good time', i say as i tease my little

'what do you mean?' selena replies, gosh i know this girl isn't playing dumb right now.

'you and KYLIAN', i scream, 'you were literally flirting with him the whole night you whore, i never knew you had it in you'.

selena laughs with embarrassment and replies 'okay i felt like i was, but he is actually so fit jessica i don't know what to do.... how am i already attached and i've only spoke to him like this ONCE!'

'calm down sel, i'm only joking', you 2 are so cute together and i saw you put your number in his phone.  i am rooting for you 2, i cannot wait to see where this goes', i say tickling selena.

Selenas POV:
I finally have got into bed, jessica and marco literally forced me to stay at there's whilst i am in paris, i adore them so much, as they do way too much for me. I love that they both know that i love my alone time so this was the time to get up to date with all my emails and thank everyone that helped me get ready and made me walking at all those shows in possible. Now time for a quick social media break:

k.mbappe is now following you

i laughed, and quickly went on spotify and played 'out of me head' by steve lacy because i actually cannot get this turtle out of my head.
i quickly followed him back and went to sleep.

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