Chapter 15: Connected Again

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Narrator's POV

Lauren was chilling with Normani by the poolside, enjoying the morning sun that warmly kissed their skins on Saturday morning. Both of them were wearing sunglasses and bikinis. Lauren and Normani would take a sip of their cold drinks in between the conversation. It had been a while since Normani did not visit Lauren due to their schedules being tight in recent weeks. Regardless, they would always do their best to find time spending time together. Either it was at Lauren's place or Norman's place. They would sometimes have a trip somewhere else whenever possible.

"Will you change your mind for tonight?" Normani asked Lauren again whether Lauren would like to join her for a friend's dinner party tonight.

"No, Mani. I want to stay home." Lauren and Normani went to their friend's birthday party last night. Lauren enjoyed social events, but she was also a big homebody. One party or evening event a week was enough for Lauren. She was not a party person and more of a morning person. She chose to do her work, staying home if she could, but she knew socializing was needed, too.

"Alright!" Normani sat up and leaned on the sun lounger. "Has she contacted you?" Normani asked while taking her cold juice and drinking it. Lauren had told her what was going on between her and Camila. Normani was the only person Lauren shared the story with because she trusted Normani.

"No." Lauren sat up and did the same, taking a sip of her juice.

It had been more than two weeks since Lauren did not hear from Camila. Lauren did not hear from Camila since Camila left her place that afternoon. Lauren sent a message and called her once or twice, but she got no replies or answers from Camila.

"Do you miss her?" Normani asked.

"Yeah..." Lauren would not deny it. It was Normani anyway. She could not hide it from her best friend.

Normani sighed, "What she wants!?"

Lauren put her glass on the table and turned to Normani, "I don't know. What do you think?"

Normani did the same. She sat up, facing Lauren, "sex?"

"Maybe." Lauren sighed. Lauren was good in bed. That was no question asked since many of her casual dates always wanted more and told her the same thing. However, being great at sex was not the only thing she wanted Camila to see from her.

"But from your story, it should be more than that!?" Normani added.

"I felt that way, but maybe I was just hallucinating," Lauren answered, but she turned emotional talking about it.

"You know, you're not." Normani knew Lauren well. "Maybe something happened on her side."

"Maybe..." Lauren's tears were building up. She could not think of anything bad that happened to Camila that made Camila could not reply to her messages and calls. Camila was still seen in public and still active in her life and work.

"Do you think it's related to her parents or the management?" Normani was worried. She knew what Lauren had for Camila was more than a celebrity crush now. It was a real crush.

"I am afraid so. It's the only reason that makes sense." Still, Lauren thought Camila should have at least replied to her message. Camila's silence made Lauren think Camila did not want anything with her anymore. It was like what they had was a one-time thing that Camila wanted to experiment with a woman only. "Let's not talk about her!" Lauren said.

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