Love for An Eleven

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As Moore moves towards Euphemia's office, Euphemia paces around.

Euphemia: 'Will he approve? He doesn't disapprove of elevens like Cornelia, but he's still a prince. Wait, he's coming.'

Euphemia sits in her chair, putting on a look of calm, poorly concealed to Moore's eyes.

Moore: "Hello Euphemia, what can I do for you?"

Euphemia: "Moore, I would like to ask you something. It's about my knight? Who do you think would be best suit for the job?"

Moore: "I could draw up a list of suitable candidates. Give me 20 minutes."

As Euphemia waits, she ponders how to tell Moore. As she ponders, Moore enters the room and hides, listening to her thoughts, out loud, since she thought she was alone.

Euphemia: "Moore, I wonder if you'll approve. Suzaku is a good man and a good soldier. I would hate it if you said no."

Moore: "Well, I hadn't expected that. But, I can't say no."

Moore pops up from in front of Euphemia's desk, knocking her out of her trance.

Euphemia: "Moore, how long have you been there?

Moore: "Long enough. I printed off a list, but then you were musing, so I decided to listen to your thoughts, incognito."

Euphemia: "So, you think Suzaku would be ok?"

Moore: "Yes, I think he'd be an excellent knight. Feel free to tell Cornelia whenever you're free."

Euphemia: "Moore, could you do it?"

Moore: "But that would take the fun out of it. No, you'll do it. You're a big girl after all."

Euphemia pouts and looks away, before smiling at Moore.

Euphemia: "Alright. Well, thank you anyways Moore. You've been a big help."

Moore: "That's what siblings are for. I'm going to go talk with Cornelia. Say you later."

Moore walks out of the room, heading towards Cornelia's office, to talk with her about future plans.

However when he reaches her office, he finds her nowhere. He however, finds a note explaining she's in the garden. He crumbles up the note and throws it in the garbage and heads towards the garden, but first the kitchen.

Later, Moore arrives at the garden, seeing Cornelia laying on the grass, looking at the beautiful flowers. Moore walks up, before dropping on the grass beside her.

Cornelia: "It's you, isn't it Moore."

Moore: "It is. You're impressively perceptive. Well, you are one of our best warriors, so you have to be."

Cornelia: "Moore, this garden truly is beautiful, isn't it?"

Moore: "It is. It reminds me of Lady Marianne's garden. But, we've gone over this. What's wrong?"

Cornelia: "Moore, do you like me?"

Moore turns red and looks away.

Moore: "Yes. I believe I do have feelings for you. I love your personality and you're pretty to boot."

Cornelia breathed a sigh of relief, happy that she had the same feelings.

(By the way, they are half siblings, so in my mind, its fine. And , wouldn't Britannia be the people to think pureblood breeding is the best choice.)

Moore sits in an air of uncomfortable silence, until Cornelia took the next step. Cornelia pushes her lips onto Moore's, catching him off guard, until he melts into it.

30 seconds later, they seperate, breathing heavily. Moore stands up and begins backing away, slurring his words.

Moore: "Uhhhhh. I gotta go. Bye."

Moore runs off, leaving Cornelia with her thoughts, still wondering if she moved too quick.

Moore ran to his room, closing and locking his door. He fell onto his bed and began thinking.

Moore: 'Cornelia likes me? How could she, I'm not that interesting. I'm wait out of her league.'

After a few minutes of musing, Moore fell asleep, falling into a deep sleep.

And that's it. I decided to add Cornelia as a love interest, because well, I always liked Cornelia. She was a really cool character, and we're not full siblings, so it's not weird.

See you later


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