A Green Haired Girl

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Moore: "C.C. huh, what an interesting name. Are you from the Chinese Federation."

C.C.: "No, I'm just someone passing by."

Moore: "That's a lie. Someone just passing by, wouldn't know my name, hidden from everyone in the britannian military."

C.C.: "Well, I happen to know quite a lot about everyone in the Royal family."

Moore: "Oh, and why's that? Are you some long lost sibling?"

C.C.: "No, I'm simply someone who knows some... Information."

Moore: "Oh? And what info would that be?"

C.C.: "Your captive, Suzaku Kururugi has escaped."

Moore: "Captive? No, I didn't take him into captivity. He helped us in battle. I would never capture a warrior for us."

C.C.: "Really? Then you should talk to Jeremiah Gottwald. He captured and attempted to execute him."

Moore: "Execute? Wait, what do you mean, attempted?"

C.C.: "A man named zero saved him and freed him. He might never be seen again."

Moore: "Ok. I will talk to Jeremiah. You, girl, don't let me see you again. If I do, I might kill you.

C.C.: "But I gave you info. Does that mean nothing?"

Moore: "But you know my secret, which I don't want getting out. Feel lucky I'm feeling generous. Farewell."

Moore runs off to confront Jeremiah on his decisions. Meanwhile, C.C. makes a call, to her subconscious.

C.C.: "Hello Mari, your son is doing alright. He seems to still care about the others. Yes, I'll keep my eye on him and lelouch as you asked."

With Moore

Moore: 'What the hell was Jeremiah thinking? Suzaku helps us crush the resistance, and he tries to have him executed. I'll have him downgraded for this one.'

A truck pulls up in front of him. Moore prepares for anything, but relaxes when he notices it's Lloyd and Cecile.

Moore: "Lloyd. Cecile. Sorry I suddenly left. I was just feeling so..."

Cecile: "That doesn't matter. We need to find Suzaku."

Moore: "Suzaku? Wasn't he under trial?"

Lloyd: "Have you been under a rock? He was acquitted and left. We told him to wait, but he left."

Moore: "Was it with anyone? Any distinguishing features?"

Cecile: "Just long, pink hair. Why?"

Moore: 'Long pink hair? It couldn't be, could it?' "Alright, let's find Kururugi, I'll go and get the Morgause."

Cecile: "Why the Morgause? You think there will be a battle?"

Lloyd: "Are you looking for data opportunities?"

Moore: "It's just a hunch of mine. When you find Kururugi, send me your coordinates."

Cecile: "Yes sir. Understood."

Moore sighs and runs off, to gather the Morgause. The others drive off to find Kururugi.

Cecile: "So Lloyd, do you think Suzaku is ok?"

Lloyd: "Cecile, I sure hope so. I would be difficult to find a more potent devicer."

At the lab.

Moore: "Hello Morgause. Sorry I suddenly left, I just had to fix some things. However, now I'm viceroy of area 11. Now, we have to find Kururugi. Let's go!"

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