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Cornelia: "Dalton, Moore. Have you found the front yet?"

Dalton: "Not yet, your highness. I've yet to find them."

Moore: "They're certainly slippery, aren't they? They know how to hide."

Cornelia: "Yes. However, they can't hide forever."

Cornelia cuts off the communication and Moore sighs.

Moore: "Cornelia really wants these rebels. I mean, who could blame her? They were responsible for capturing Euphemia."

Moore moves in the Morgause upward a bit until he spots a cabin. He turns on his comms and speaks.

Moore: "Viceroy, I believe I've found the target. Sending up flares."

Moore takes a flare and shoots in the sky, showing his location. However, the moment is shattered when a shaking occurs.

Cornelia: "What the hell is that?"

Dalton: "Is that an earthquake?

Moore: 'Why would an earthquake happen now. Unless...'

Moore sets his heat sensors and focuses on the mountaintop. He gains a look of panic and screams on the radio.

Moore: "Everyone, get to higher ground! Avoid the landslide!"

Moore moves himself up to the cabin, avoiding the landslide. On his instruments however, a mass amount of the Viceroys forces has been wiped out.

Cornelia: "What the hell is happening? Where did this come from?"

Moore: "Sister, we need to continue up the mountain. This entrance can't work, since our ground forces are down. We need to find where the knightmares are coming from."

Cornelia: "You make good points. Ok, link up with us, and we'll continue up."

Officer: "Viceroys, enemy knightmares coming down the mountain."

Cornelia: "Trying to take advantage of the confusion, are they?"

Moore: "It doesn't matter, we'll take rm down."

Officer: "It's not the liberation front, they think it the black knights!"

Moore: "That means its..."

Jeremiah: "ZERO!"

Jeremiah screams over Moore's private radio, only being heard by him and the purebloods.

Villetta: "Lord Jeremiah, you can't just abandon your post with Viceroy Moore."

Jeremiah: "This calls for drastic measures. If you want glory in life, than follow me."

Jeremiah and Villetta leave Moore's side, heading towards the conflict. Moore however, stays behind.

Moore: "I'll leave the black knights to them. I'll make my way up towards the Liberation Front. If I finish them, then I finish the effort."

Moore presses a button and a hook comes flying out of the Morgause's arm, hooking onto the side of the mountain. He uses this strategy to make his way fully up the mountain.

What he finds up there, surprises him.

Moore: "It really is the surger. I can't believe Rakshata would work with rebels. Gonna report this to Lloyd."

Moore presses a few buttons on his radio and speaks.

Moore; "Lloyd, I reaches the top of the mountain and my hypothesis was correct. The landslide was manmade."

Cecile: "Alright, your highness. Who made it happen?"

Moore: "These generators and the marks left on them, make me think it was Rakshata's radiant wave surger."

Lloyd: "Rakshata? Who would've thought we would've been fighting against her?"

Moore looks again at his knightmares onboard instruments, and notices a signal disappear. It was Jeremiah's knightmare signal.

Moore: "Villetta. What the hell is happening down there.?"

Villetta: "My lord. We found the rebels, but they have new knightmares. A red one, with a silver arm that latches onto other knightmares."

Moore grimaces at a thought he has.

Moore: "Villetta, did the knightmare get a latch onto Jeremiah's knightmare?"

Villetta: "Yes sir. Lord Jeremiah... He's dead."

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed

See you later


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