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After the broadcast, the terrorists allow the survivors to take a boat and return to shore. Once they arrive, Euphemia gets off and breathes a breath in relief.

Moore: "Euphy!"

Euphemia looks at the source of the outburst, and smiles at Moore. He rushes to her and hugs her.

Moore: "Thank god you're alive. If you died, I don't think that any place would've been safe for me, from Cornelia's wrath."

Euphy and Moore laughs in relief. Both are happy at the others safety.

Jeremiah: "My lord, we should return to the bureau. Simply, to ensure your safety in case the terrorists return."

Moore: "A smart move. Very well Jeremiah, let's go."

Moore and Euphemia both begin to walk towards a plane, hands over the other's shoulders. When they sit down, they quickly fall asleep in the others arms.

An hour later, the plane lands at the bureau and opens the door. However, the two royalties are still asleep. So, Villetta wakes up Moore.

Villetta: "Viceroy, we've landed. It's time to go to the bureau."

Moore wakes up and looks at Villetta.

Moore: "Thank you Villetta. I'll wake up Euphemia."

Moore looks at Euphemia sleeping soundly and smiles. He then shakes her, bringing her back to reality.

Moore: "Euphemia, it's time to wake up. We need to enter the bureau, to ensure your safety."

Euphemia opens her eyes and rubs them with her hands.

Euphemia: "Ok, let's go."

Moore and Euphemia exit the ship and walk towards the entrance to the bureau. However, the embodiment of rage is waiting for them.

Cornelia: "Moore, what the hell happened?"

Moore looks at the sound and gets shocked. He then begins backing up.

Moore: "Cornelia? Calm down, this isn't my fault."

Cornelia: "I heard... That you sent her to that hotel. How, ISNT it your fault?!"

Moore stiffens up, but then sprints away. Cornelia chases after him, and catches him, pinning him to the floor.

Moore: "Ok. Ok. You caught me, I give up. Can I go now?"

Cornelia: "No. You need a punishment first."

Moore turns his head so she can punch him in the cheek, but Cornelia gets a better idea. She pinches his ear, and holds it.

Moore: "Owwww! I thought you were gonna punch me, not do a mom move."

Cornelia continues pinching his ear, increasing the pressure until he gets her off him, And he runs and hides between Euphemia.

Moore: "Euphy. Help me, your sister is being mean to me."

Euphemia puts her hands out, blocking Moore from Cornelia.

Cornelia: "Out of my way Euphy, Moore needs to be punished."

Euphemia: "No, you've punished him enough. How about... We hug instead?"

Cornelia moves into Euphemia's arms and hugs her back. Moore sees this as an opportunity to run back towards the Government Bureau, and run into the command center, locking the door.

Officer: "Sir, your here. We have some new data that we found."

Moore: "Oh? What is it?"

As Moore moves towards the officer, the door unlocks, with a calm Cornelia moving towards him.

Officer: "Viceroys, we've found them. We've found the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front. They're in the Narita mountains."

Moore: "Thank you. Sister, we're headed to the Narita mountains."

Moore turns around and sees Cornelia right behind him, with her first out. She punches him, and he keels over. Cornelia then picks his head up by his hair.

Cornelia: "You're going to come with me, and I'm going to keep and eye on you, so you don't send our sister away."

Moore: "Yes ma'am."

Euphemia: "I'm coming, I want to see warfare. And no, I won't hear any objections."

Cornelia and Moore sigh, knowing they can't sway Euphemia.

Moore: "Alright, let's go finish the Japanese."

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed

See you later


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