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Requested by KimJiwookpopfan

Third person pov:-

It was 31st Oct. Leo and Scorpio had awaited for a long time for their dearest festival to arrive, Halloween. They had completed the grand task of beautifying their sweet home.

"Hey! Ready for tonight? " Leo asked

"Yep! " Scorpio replied with joy

"I don't think we need to go to Libra's party? Do we? I find her party too extrovert.." Scorpio asked

"No. Just you and me! "

Both of them smiled. They had planned to invite Aquarius, who resided at another country, but she would be available back at Christmas eve. Moreover the couple had also shifted from an another country and are not well acquainted....

The evening, they went for a long drive. They could visualize decorations thematizing the spookiness of today's event. Pumpkins with evil glance stood at doorsteps, people dressed as ghosts, vampires, witches, skeletons, mummies, zombies and werewolves roamed around the streets, playing trick or treat.....

Leo decided to wear a black gown and Scorpio a red shirt and black gown.

"Looks nice!" Leo exclaimed

"I am speechless! I feel screaming and running hither and tither!!!! " Her partner exclaimed gleefully

"Big baby! " Leo laughed at him

They next went to a confectionary shop buying candies and chocolates. And next to that we got a shop selling chips. We got them too!

"Now where? " Leo asked

"A surprise! " He said

Leo looked questioningly at him. The next place was a mystery. Leo had nothing to do other than guess their next destination....

Leo pov:-

Now where the hell Scorpy is willing to take me.

"Close your eyes! " He said

"Huh! "

"Pleassseee!!! "

"Hmph! Okay! "

I closed my eyes. The place where he took me was cold. Winds blew creating shivers.....

As I opened my eyes, an instant smile came on my face. It was the "Haunted Cafe! ". Basically, a cafe based on the theme of ghosts and spooks....

" Wohoo! " I screamed

"Liked it? " He asked

"Yup! " I said pecking his cheek

We enjoyed a nice time there. And then we came back home... We had the packet foods in our hand, not eaten yet.

"Now what shall we do? Night's not over yet! " He asked

"A movie! " I replied

Scorpio pov:-

Movie! Interesting I thought.

"Of which genre? " I asked

"Guess boy guess! "

"Horror! " I asked blankly

"Yo! "

My face changed into an expression about to cry.

"You know I hate horror! "

"You say that being a scorpion!! " She mocked

"Hmpf!!! Okhay!! " I said

"Ok, Exorcist then! " She smiled

I looked at her wide eyed.

"This is what you give me for what I give?? " I looked at her scared....

"No, for the treat you forgot to give me before!! "

And then the movie started. I hid behind Leo...

Leo pov:-

We sat on the couch, the cute scorpion hiding behind me. His expressions were worth watching!!

The movie was at a super flow. Brought goosebumps in me. But Scorpio had fallen asleep on my shoulders... I watched the whole movie and it brought super chills in me....

As I turned off the tv, I looked at him and give him a peck. He gave a feeble smile with his eyes closed. And next he woke up.

"How was the movie? " He asked

"Nice.. Scary indeed!!"

"Oh! Never expected I would fall asleep! " He said laughing..

"Me too. Now lets hit the bed. I am tired!! " I yawned

"Yup. Lets go!! "

And then we slept cuddling each other.


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