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Requested by cosmicgarden777

Tw:- Suicide, Self harm, swearing, age regression

Leo pov:-

I stay at an apartment with 11 other people. And to be very true, none of them likes me. I was sitting on my bed thinking of how all of them humiliated me.

Aries (f) :- Leo stop acting a queen, you know you are least worthy here. Stop begging for attention

Taurus (m) :- You think you are a lion but you are just a coward kitty who needs to be fu*cked, a who*re

Libra (f) :- Well you wh*re, you are gonna steal my boyfriend.....

Scorpio (m) :- He was the worst. He slapped me in front of everyone. I was fond of him the most before.

You bi*ch, you want attention right. Well you are gonna be famous for being slapped. Joker!! You are nothing in front of my hotty gf.

You are a petty piece of sh*t. You do not even know how to cook. I seriously vomitted eating your cake.

He said spitting on me.....

Aquarius (f) :- She was the only one who cared about me. I had made her fall into so many troubles.... I regret that....

As I thought so, I went close to the window and thought. Maybe I am just a burden who needs attention. My parents died into a car crash just because to leave me in this state!! Well, I am coming to you.

And then I jumped.......................


Third person pov:-

As Leo falls down from the balcony, all were astonished to hear a loud thud. As they saw Leo's bloody lifeless body, all were shattered. Aquarius broke down into severe crying holding her body, blood covering her dress too.

She stood up and went to beat Scorpio, only to be pushed by her girlfriend Libra. But Aquarius was furious, she starting yanking Libra brutally, kicking her gut.......

"You motherfu*king sl*t....... You and your manwho*re boyfriend humiliated my friend. She made a cake for all of us. She never tried to steal your worthless boyfriend. He resembled her DEAD BROTHER.... You listened that!!!!!! HER PARENTS DIED INTO AN ACCIDENT BEFORE SHE CAME HERE... SHE JUST WANTED LOVE AND SUPPORT.... SHE WAS THE KINDEST WHO ARRANGED THE GRAND PARTY WHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY KNOWN TO BE DONE BY ANONYMOUS. ONLY LIBRA AND I KNEW. AND YOU A**HOLES HUMILIATED HERE THERBY!!!!!!  " Aquarius screamed with shrill voice, anger fuming out.

Before could Libra could slap her, she was pulled by her hair, but not by Aquarius. She was slapped hard, not once but many times. She was scared by the deadly glare by Scorpio...

"You fucking liar!! You told me Leo wanted to steal me! You knew everything. You jealous bitch!!!! " He said with tears.... "Now because of me, she is dead, mind it, SHE IS DEAD!!!! " Scorpio yelled kicking her before running to his room...

Scorpio pov:-

I felt the world shaking around. I sat onto the floor remembering Aquarius's words.


He resembled her DEAD BROTHER! !! "

I broke down into agressive crying. I could not supress it....

As days passed, every one turned normal except me and Aqua. I apologised to her and she was kind enough to forgive me. We teamed up to save victims like Leo. I starting hating Libra to the core.

I decided to work out my life for them. I sometimes visited Leo's grave and sat there for hours talking to her.

"I am sorry Leo. I am very sorry.. Wish I could revive you and express my regret...."


Third person pov:-

All the fights happen as same as the scene 1. But this time, Leo is hospitalised..

Scorpio was waiting the closest to the door. He was worried, extremely worried. Aqua patted his back, "I know you are regretting your actions. But don't worry. "

Scorpio put his head on Aqua's shoulder and started crying.

After some time doctor came announcing that though Leo was fine, but symptoms of Age Regression Disorder was found in her.

Scorpio looked up and rushed inside. He saw leo clapping her hands and laughing at every actions like a child. He waved, "Hi Leo. "

"Hi Scorpy. Why are you crying?? Want to play hide and seek??? "

"We will. After you are back to feet. "

Doctor came and told him secretly that this problem will remain till her brain has fully recovered. He brain was damaged the most.. She will have to be regularly checked up by doctor until she is normal again...

Scorpio found hope. He started taking care of Leo like a father. He took Aqua's help to take care of her. He used to feed her food, play with her, watch tv and help her study.... The other signs also helped her a lot. But Scorpio did unforgettable efforts.

Once Leo was fine again, she regained back her memory and frowned at Scorpio before moving away.

"Get off me!! " She yelled

As she meet Aqua, she hugged her and told how she ignored him. Aqua smiled feebly and told how he took care of her while she had mental issues.

And this is how Leo and Scorpio unite as a brother-sister...... And Scorpio vowed to  never bully others. And yeah, he took revenge on Libra. She is now suspended permanently......


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