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Requested by animeandarmy

Cancer pov:-

Today was our marriage anniversary. It has been 5 years we have been married and 10 years we were in a relationship.

"Hey Scorp! The party was great! " I squealed

"Haha! You liked it, that's great... " He smiled

"I really liked the theme, " Walk down the memory lane.. " 

Flashback (1) -  High School:-

It was during my high school. I was new in the city and all alone. Though the school did not had any bullies, but all were seemed ignorant.... Except this guy and a girl, now whom I know as my bestie Aquarius. And guess who the guy is. I never thought he would now be husband....

He and Aqua helped me cope up with the new city and class. They were very much similar in qualities. I previously thought them to be couples. I even asked Aqua....

"Hey Aqua, are you and Scorpio couples... " I asked cheerfully

"No gal, he is my bestie. I am actually having a crush on Leo, the smart girl... "  She replied

"Wow! Really??? "

"Yeah, and heyo, please don't be a news reporter hearing it... " She joked and we shared a good laugh......

And since that day, why I don't know, me and Scorpio grew close attachments. We would visit each other often, but it never went to the line of Love..

Flashback (2) - University:-

Years passed by, we were now studying at a university. Aqua and Scorpio were opting for military training. Both of them aspired to be military doctors.

And I was interested in Arts, to be a professor....... So our focus was on shaping our career by studying well.

My subject was romantic to be honest and so this was the time I started imagining Scorpio as my love......

But I never knew if he ever felt same for me. He and Aqua were under vigorous training, and so we were broken from attachments. It was after months, we established contacts..

One day, he called me at a restaurant. I agreed, my mind indicating something special. On the date, he took out a ring and a famous novel, as a proposal for being his first and his last love. I was filled with tears of joy as I hugged him.

And we were now lovers. We also came to know that Aquarius and Leo were in a relationship. How Aqua supported Leo to be a Doctor and similarly Leo contributed more than anyone to help Aqua achieve success in her career.....

Scorpio was a kind boyfriend. He was not like others who would want pseudo-PDA. He was concerned with my career and helped me anytime I required support....

And this is how, we achieved our dream job.

Flashback (3) - Career:-

We were now gifted with our dream jobs. But Scorpio and Aqua would often have to go to missions. I remember how we used to contact each other through letters...... I and Leo would wait for them eagerly... Leo used to say that although three of them were doctors, but Aqua and Scorpio decided to keep their lives at risk to cure armies....

I always taught my students values referring to my friends. They were like diamonds, rare. I always liked to teach differently, being iconoclast. And soon I found establishing a separate college for Arts, where students would share equal rights and values, learn how to love, how to survive with kindness.....

After Scorpio returned from his mission, we decided to marry. We shared our good news with Leo. I jokingly asked her when she would share her good news. And she shared something that shocked us to the core.

She had tears in her eyes, "Aqua isn't alive! "

I broke into tears. Scorpio was deeply shaken. She was a great lad. And Leo thereby vowed never to marry. She thought herself as wife of Aquarius already......

We supported Leo. She had the soul of Aquarius in her.

I and Scorpio finally tied the knot.......

Since then, I used to be extremely worried for Scorpio. I never wanted to lose him. He used to assure me he would return.. But my heart pounded every day...... Several questions rose inside my mind everyday.

Flashback (4) - A spine chilling one:-

I remeber the time when I stopped receiving letters from him. Fear arose in me, I panicked a lot. Leo used to console me during those days......

I made myself believe he would be alright. But the positive crunched bit by bit as days passed by. It finally got destroyed when I received the news of him being admitted to hospital due to serious injury.

I was broken. The world broke above my head. I rushed to the hospital to see him struggling with his life. I remember how I used to sit there for days, jostling with my mind, calling the heaven to have mercy on my love.....

Those who do not believe in almighty, I have a message for them. They can save a person at the brink of his terminal.... Scorpio started healing magically after a few days. He used to talk to me about various things, I used to take care of him along with nurses. And soon he was discharged. He was strong enough to endure the injuries...........

And in a year, the atrocity ended.... And we had a peaceful marriage life,  though it had a mixture of fear in me of losing him......

Flashback over:-

As I told him the past incidents and my fear, he engulfed me in a hug...

"My love, remember I will be always be there. Death is when a soul leaves its body. The soul remains. I have devoted my soul to you. You may not see it, nor touch it, but I promise, you will be able to feel it.... "    He assured me as I was seeking shelter into his warmth.


Author's note:-

I felt it personally warming and assuring. Kudos to those who sacrifice their lives for our well being, and also to their close ones for being strong.....

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