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Requested by IsekaiTruckWorker

Characters :-

Scorpio m
Libra f
Aquarius f
Leo m

Third person pov:-

Aquarius and Libra were driving through a dense forest. It was a shortcut to their home in the city. Aquarius used to love driving through this route for it was extremely thrilling.

"Hey Libby, what about we watch the Nat Geo show tonight! " Aquarius said as she rotated her steer-wheel

"Nice idea sis! But first please let us move out of this creepy route! " Libra said viewing out of the window.

"Don't worry, just 5 mins away from main road! "

Suddenly the car stops with a jerk.

"Oh shit! Libra! Are you safe! "

"Oh gosh! I am. Are u okay!! "

"Yeah I am. Just checking. You sit inside.. "

Aquarius hops out of the car. She opens the bonnet to see that some wires were hampered.

"Fucking shit!! "

"What happened Aqua! "

"Well, the wires were hampered. This led the car to travel a few miles before damage. "

"Now what shall we do? "

"Ask for help maybe! "

"Ok, shall I come out? "

"Well... Um.... Okay!! "

Aquarius pov:-

Libra hops out of the car. I started to wander hither-tither for help among these dense jungle. Idiocracy indeed!

Well, I found the jackpot! A man with black hoodie came forward.

"Hey miss, how can I help you? " He asked

I felt the voice quite heard by me before. I neglected the fact and told.

"Actually our car stopped working with a jerk. Upon investigating, I discovered hampered wires in the bonnet. It would have been really kind of you if you assisted us in reaching our home."

"Ok sure. I have my car and can drop you. But what about the car? " He asked

"Well, I can call the car service and send them the locations and my identity... " I told, hope instilled

"Ok then, hop in! "

I and Libra hopped in. The ride was silent.....

"Sis, am hungry! " She asked

"Wait a bit girl! "

"Well a restaurant is there nearby. I shall bring food from there! " He offered

"Well, not required. Thank you. " I politely rejected

Libra looked at me with pleading eyes. I glared at her. But her puppy eyes seemed to bother me.

"Ok, would like to have a mild snack. "

"Sure miss. " He hopped out. After few minutes, he came out with a plate of chicken and dumplings (momos). We offered him but he rejected. So we enjoyed it.

The ride seemed long... I asked

"Sir, our house was just a few metres from jungle. "

"I took an another route. Shall reach shortly. "

"Oh that's great! By the way, may I know your name? " I asked

He pulled the front mirror down.. I could see an evil smirk...... I could recognise this smile... But who???

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