Chapter 13

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They started flying off towards the Isle, Xelqua had heard of it before, but only really in passing. Most people didn't really believe that it was a real place, but he supposed that's why they choose to hide there. It was supposedly some sort of oasis, where watchers, or admins, could go to hide away from the world. It was apparently very old, close to 1000 years old, and was said that the family of the first traitor went there to get away from the start of the war. It was also said that there was magic around it that made it so only if you truly believed it existed you would be able to find it. He never thought it could be anything more than a myth, he had sorted it out with Zyrex, Cirrus, Via and Blaze sometime in their first few years as part of the council but they never found it. Not even using watcher vision were they able to find it, so that's when they chalked it up to being 100% myth.

As they flew closer to where it was rumoured to be he started recognising the terrain more, unlike the rest where over the past few months it had been ruined by the threats of fighting, this ground was almost the same as it was when years ago he visited it. They landed in front of a giant wall of rock that was said to surround the entrance, he could see that there were more initials scratched onto it. He went to the small area where the five of them had scratched their initials into the stone. He ran his hand over the small letters that were on the wall, they had been written in a small cluster. X.C, Z.V, C.C, V.S and B.S. In the middle of the wall, there was a small circle made up of 26 symbols, at first he thought they were just random symbols but now he recognised them. Some of them matched the symbols on the wall of the admin camp cell, they must be the rest of the enderian alphabet, Xelqua thought. In the circle there were only three initials, there was empty space around them that no one was able to put a mark on. They were known as the first initials: A.Z, R.C and K.C, it was said they were the ones who made the wall, and those who believed in the Isle thought that they were the ones who created that too.

"What do we do now? I don't really know how I'm meant to believe in the isle and then see it," Xelqua questioned.
"That's not actually how it works, the spell used here is something similar to what I've done before," Astaria said, "See the enderian, a certain spell allows you to make it so when used with another spell you are able to unlock something. It acts similarly to a keyboard and we just need to type in the code,"

"How do we figure out the code?" Xelqua asked, there could be thousands of combinations.
"If what I think has happened then they would have been told the code by someone else since they didn't create it," Astaria said, what she did say didn't make much sense but she seemed to know something that would help them.
She flicked her hand around with one finger outstretched and suddenly her finger had a violet glow to it. She placed the finger onto one of the symbols and it glowed for a few seconds before fading again. She pressed six more symbols and then moved back from the wall.

Xelqua thought that she had gotten the code wrong but a blinding purple light appeared behind the wall. In front of them was an island with a large building on top and with a large garden area as well. "So it really was true..." Xelqua said, amazed.
Astaria's expression changed to something that was a mix of happiness, and something else that Xelqua couldn't quite put his finger on, "Yes it is, come on let's go defeat the ones who caused all this ⌇⊑⟟⏁,"

He was able to guess what the word she said in enderian was, and he agreed that they should finally defeat them. They flew up towards the island, once again using the spell of invisibility since they could possibly know they were coming now.

Xelqua also entered watcher vision so he would get a better idea of where the other watchers would be, what he was surprised by was that the admins were there as well. They didn't need to defeat the admins in this reality since the magic of the watchers was the main thing that caused the code to change, but if they did it now they wouldn't have to worry about dealing with them when they got back to the right reality. Astaria seemed the share the same thought as she conveyed signals that meant to move forwards. They got closer and closer, the admins seemed to be focusing on their screens, constantly typing what seemed like changes into the code. It was then that Astaria realised that they were probably the ones who were affecting her admin abilities, she knew that if at least one of them were watching her code then they would be able to counteract whatever she tried to do, which would make sense why she could change the cuffs code but not her own. They silently used the wind to get closer and closer, because they could use watcher vision like the watchers and they were extremely focused on their screens Astaria and Xelqua were able to take them out, they shouldn't have been alive anyway. Astaria tried a small teleport to see if it was operating and found out that it was a success. They quickly made it to where the watchers were ready to face them, but it also seemed as though they were ready to face Xelqua and Astaria as well.

Astaria wished she could have done another large magic spell that would freeze everyone but with very little rest and a lot of magic that was being used she didn't have the energy to. They were both focusing on using blades since the watchers were easily able to defend against their magic attacks. They were being overpowered, and they were outnumbered, not by much but since they had been doing a lot of magic as well as fighting it meant that they were running low on energy altogether. They couldn't keep fighting 5v2 for much longer, they were currently hiding behind a shield that Xelqua pulled up, with the mix of Astaria's invisibility spell and illusion magic, which Astaria couldn't hold up for much longer. "I really wish we had some backup right now," Xelqua said.

It seemed as though a lightbulb lit up for Astaria, "Keep hold of the shield, and see if you can make it slightly bigger. I need to drop both of my spells to do something," she said.
Xelqua only nodded, hoping that whatever she did would be helpful and fast. She pulled up her admin screen and started typing in a command, it was a very long one so it didn't click for Xelqua what it would be until she had finished it. It was a split second later when 11 people turned up right in front of them.

Astaria had used a large teleportation command to bring the rest of the council, minus the High Leader who they did not know the whereabouts of, to the fight. They were confused and Astaria gave them a quick run down, "As I had mentioned to both of your parties this is an alternate reality and if we can get rid of them," she motioned to the watchers who had now found them and were sending fireballs towards Xelqua's shield, "And we need your help if you wouldn't mind,"

The others were all happy to help the people who had helped them and were probably their friends. With the numbers they were easily able to finish off the watchers, the admins helped each other teleport up and land hits on the watchers in the air. The others were just able to fly up and attack, with the fight now being 13v5 it didn't take long before the group was able to manage their final blow.

The same magic that made this reality was now surrounding them once again but it didn't feel as scary as last time, he knew that what the magic was doing this time was going to fix everything.

WC~ 1432

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