Chapter 12

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Gayle's P.O.V.

It's been days since we set up Niall and Melody together. Now, their official. And she's not even allowed to have a boyfriend. Well, actually, the three of us are not allowed, but what the heck. Sweet right? I'm kinda jealous of them not because I like Niall or anything, but because Zayn and I aren't official yet. Yeah, we're dating and we're already a "thing", but it's not yet exclusive. I'm just waiting for Zayn to make a move.

Madeline and I are here in Melody's room to talk about things. "So, how are you and Niall?" Meloody blushed and just smiled when I asked her.

"Well?" Madeline asked her. She's just smiling at us like an idiot she is. "We're good. He's sweet. All I ever asked for... Even though I'm not allowed..." Melody answered as she looked down on her lap, smiling.

"Good for you. We're so happy for you, you bitch! And, we're all not allowed, you know." We hugged her tight because our baby girl's grown up. HAHAHAHA! Baby girl.

"If Niall hurts you, we already have a plan." Madeline muttered. We don't want anyone hurting our Melody. Not only she's our best friend/sister, she's also our baby.

"You guys are the sweetest!" Melody pulled away the hug. "Don't worry. I'm sure Niall won't hurt me like what the jerk did in the past." Melody assured us. We will make sure Melody won't get hurt. We baby Melody like the boys baby Niall.

"I promise I won't let Niall hurt me." Melody added. She better make sure Niall won't.

"Let's not talk about me anymore. Haha! So, how'r you and Harold? Are you dating? Are you like a thing? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend yet?" Melody asked a mouthful of questions.

"Well... We're okay, no, no, and no." Madeline answered and looked down on the ground. "What's wrong hun?" I asked Mads.

"It's nothing.. Harry doesn't have a thing for me so why bother right?" Madeline asked. "I'm.. I'm sorry Madeline. I never should've asked." Melody hugged Madeline. Madeline is the most emotional one among us. Melody and I have the same attitude, except when it comes to boys.

"It's okay. You didn't know.." Madeline faked smile at us. "How about you and Zayn?" Madeline changed the topic.

"Oh. We're not official." I told them. It's true. We're not official. Just waiting for Zayn to ask. Yeah. "Not YET." Melody grinned. Whatever. We will be official, I hope.

"Well. What do we have here?" Louis barged in the room. "There's this thing called KNOCKING, Tomlinson." Melody raised her brow at Louis. It's a good thing he's alone.

"So, the three of you fancies 3 out 5 of 1D?" Louis gave us an evil grin. Eavesdropping, I see.

"Yes." Melody answered. "NO." Madeline and I answered in chorus. "I know Melody. No need to tell me." Louis gave Melody the "duh" face.

"And the two of you.." Louis pointed at Mads and I. "Denying I see?" We shook our heads 'no'. "Say whatever you like, ladies. Just so you know, the two of you are blushing." Louis told us. Well.

"Oh, Melody. Niall's looking for you." Louis told Melody. "He is?" Melody blushed hard. "I just told you that." Louis straightened his face.

"He could've just went up here and called me, but okay. HAHAHA!" Melody jumped out of her own bed being an excited bitch that she is because Niall's finding her. HAHAHAHA! I love this girl.

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