Chapter 7: Save You Tonight

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Melody's P.O.V

We went back to our cabins, showered, and changed our clothes and went to a bar.

I'm only wearing a plain pink dress and pink sneaker wedge because I love pink and some freaking hate it. I'm not wearing any make-up because I don't want to. I'm not that girly-girl like other girls who put on their make-up like they've just been raped by crayons. I only put on face powder and that's it. And for my hair? I only clipped a ribbon on it. Nothing more.

Madeline was also wearing a dress, but a blue one with a different design from mine of course. Gayle on the other hand, decided to wear high waisted shorts and tucked her cute blouse in. We all looked cute in our outfits. I wouldn't say hot 'cause we're not.

The boys were not so bad themselves. Just plain shirts and shorts. Like any other typical guy you'd see, honestly.

"So, you ready to hit the dance floor?" Harry asked us flipping his lovely curls sideways.

"Of course! Let's go!" Madeline said grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling him inside the bar. This girl is gonna get in trouble, especially if she takes a shot. Madeline never drinks. Only Gayle and I does that when we party. Oops.

"What are you waiting for bitches? Christmas? Let's go in and PAAAARRRTTTEEEYYY!!! WOOH WOOH!!" Louis said to all of us as he raises his hands up and moved to the beat of the music. This guy is one big heck of a party animal.

"Do you lovely ladies want to drink?" Louis asked us. Of course, we nodded 'yes'. We couldn't say no. Come on, we're partying here.

The waiter handed us our drinks. We only ordered for a cocktail. We don't want to get wasted at this party. I don't do wasted. I don't know with Gayle. She once passed out while we were having a drink together. She drank so much she woke up on the floor with a massive hangover.

"Wanna dance, beautiful?" Some hot guy asked me. I don't know who the chiz this jerk is, but I'm still not dancing with him. His drunk. I could tell.

"NO. Go away." I harshly said to the hot guy. They all looked at me surprised that I rejected the hot guy.

"WHAT?!" He's hot and deaf.

"Did you not hear what I just said?! I SAID N-O. NO. I WON'T DANCE WITH YOU, YOU JERK!" I yelled and spilled my drink on him on purpose because he won't go the fuck away from me.

"PLAYING HARD-TO-GET EY? IF THAT'S THE WAY YOU WANT IT, THEN LET THE GAMES BEGIN BEAUTIFUL GIRL!" He jerked my away from my freaking seat, almost breaking my bone because he yanked it so hard, like I can already feel it coming off, and had the guts to complement me. He's as drunk as fck.

"MELODY!" They all said in chorus. Shouting my name won't work you guys. Then I saw Niall stand... 

Niall tapped on the drunk jerk's shoulder and punched him straight to the jaw. Yay! My hero! <3

The hot, drunk jerk punched Niall back making Niall fall on his back.

"NIALL!!" I yelled and approached my hero. I wouldn't say my knight in a shining armor 'cause that will make me look l'm a damsel in distress. Like I said, I'm not that girly.

"Please enough!" Liam shouted at the guy and Zayn and  Louis pushing him away from us. His a big guy. Gayle and I helped Niall up and take a seat again.

"You didn't have to do that you know..." Said to Niall. I reached out for the bucket of ice, pulled my handkerchief out, grabbed some ice and tied it in my hanky and placed the iced on Niall's gorgeous bruised face.

"But he was hurting you.." 

"Niall, I learned to handle myself from guys like that way back in school."

I admit, I'm a very competitive girl. And I don't like it when people try hard to be superior over another when they're really not. I'm not the type of school girl you go with. I do what I think should be done.

"But Melody...-"

"Seriously Niall. But thanks. I owe you.." I said and kissed his cheek.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. "You're welcome! Anything for you, love."

"Woah. What happened to Niall?" Harry went back with Madeline just now.

"Got into a fight, if it isn't obvious." Gayle told them. They wouldn't know 'cause they were nowhere to be found. Obviously, curly and Madeline were busy flirting and grinding on the dance floor that's why they don't have any idea of what happened.

"We're back. We told the security that guy was so drunk he picked a fight over innocent children. HAHAHA!" Louis laughed.

"Let's go back to our cabins shall we, and let Niall rest." I told them as I helped Niall from his seat. Niall mouthed me 'thank you'.

Niall's P.O.V.


We got back to our cabin and Melody took care of me. She took most of the work because she thought it was her fault I got into this mess.

"I'm sorry you got into this mess.." she apologized while putting ice on my bruise.

"You don't have to say sorry, love. It's not your fault. That idiot was drunk. So it's okay.."

"No, it's not Niall. Look at you. You're hurt and bruised because of me."

"It's no big deal okay? It's over. It's not your fault, and it's okay."

"I'm sorry.. And why did you do that anyway?"

"Don't be sorry. I only did that because I..-"

"Hey Melody! Have you seen my fave hoodie? I forgot to get it when we jammed in your room." Gayle asked Melody leaving me with Harry. 

"I'll find in my room. Geez. The things I do for you.." Melody complained and went to her room. Great. Just as I was about to tell her, Gayle just barged in like that. Thanks.

"So, did you tell her yet?" Harry asked me out of the blue. I gave him a confused look. I don't know what the heck he's talking about.

"Tell her what?!"



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