Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

Poor Nialler. He got bruised from doing his super hero moves around our sweet Melody here. I can tell Niall likes her.

"So, did you tell her yet?" I asked Niall. He gave me a confused look. Acting so innocent and all.

"Tell her what?!" He asked me.

"That you like her. Lad, it's obvious. Duh." Niall just looked down on his lap. The lad's blushing.

"No. And so what if I like her?! She doesn't even like me like that. She just sees me as a friend. Nothing more." He raised his head on my direction and defended.

"How'd you know that? Did you ask her about how she feels?" Niall's jumping to conclusion again. I might set Niall up with Melody. Though it won't be that easy.

"I didn't. Just waiting for the right time."

"Waddup, waddup doug?!" Liam barged in with Louis.

"Does our Nialler feel okay now?" Louis asked Niall, patting his cute blonde head.

"Yeah. No one's hurting Melody again." 

"Ooohhh. I think our Nialler's in loooove with Melodyyyy." Niall blushed as Louis teased him.

"Niall here didn't ask Melody about how she feels, now he's jumping to conlusions that she doesn't like her back." I told the lads. Zayn's not here 'cause he's helping Melody and Gayle find her precious hoodie.

"Hey.I heard you guys talking, not that I'm eavesdropping or anything, but do you wanna know if Melody likes you?" Madeline barged in and asked us. She's best friends with Melody so maybe she can help Niall with her. 

"Spill missy." Louis commanded her. 

"First of all..." Madeline started off. "Melody doesn't like it when people place their arm around her shoulders. If you do that to her and she didn't mind at all, that's already a good start. Second, she really hates it when people play with her hair. If she didn't mind you while playing with her hair, again she likes you. Lastly, Melody doesn't share her three favorite foods.."

"Which are?" Liam cut her off.

"Potatoes of any kind, chocolates of any kind, and ice cream. Cookies and Cream, to be exact. If she offersyou those foods or if you asked to have some of it and she shared some with you, means she's really into you." I didn't expect Melody to be the typical kind of girl you meet.

"Try doing those things she hates to her. If she lets out  positive vibes, you'll be in good terms with her. It's that simple." Madeline added.

"Easy for you to say." Niall raised his brows to Madeline. We're going to help this lad. But if he gets hurt, we'll stop. We don't like it when our Nialler gets hurt.

"Three days from now is Gayle's birthday." Madeline shared.

"Yeah. So?" I backfired. "We're planning a surprise party for her. What we're planning is that we're going to divide ourselves into groups of two. That means pairing up. Since I've already told you the plan, Niall..." Madeline looked at Niall. This girl is something.

Niall looked at her. "I'm pairing you up with Melody. That'll be a perfect opportunity for you to make a move." She told him. This girl is a genius.

"And I'll be paired up with-" 

"ME!!" I cut her off. Well, I just want to spend some time with her. Haha!

"Sure. Whatever satisfies you." She said to me. "Liam, you with Louis and Zayn, Harry and I, Niall and Melody. Sounds like a plan?" She asked looking at every one of us.

"Sounds like a plan! When do we start?" Liam asked Madeline. I'm sure this girl's a party animal. By the way she hits the dance floor, this party's gonna be a blast!!

"Tomorrow, we'll start planning. You know who your partner's gonna be." 

"Great! We should give her a party she will never forget!!" Louis exclaimed.


 Melody's P.O.V.

It's already morning and Gayle drained all the energy left in my body just because of her hoodie which we were finding last night. Thank god we already found it. Such a pain in the neck. Oh yeah. Gayle's birthday is two days away and we have to prepare for it. Madeline told me that she paired me up with Niall for this party. And we're in charge of the food. Great. No food for the party. Why did she have to pair me up with Niall? The food will all be gone by the time the party starts. Niall and I have big appetites for all she knows.

I took a shower, got dressed and tied my hair into a messy bun, and went down to the kitchen for breakfast. As I went down to the kitchen, there's no food. Great. I'm hungry and there's no food.

"Sorry 'bout that, love. We didn't have breakfast too and Niall's already sobbing, so we just called for a delivery." Louis told me as he entered the kitchen. Delivery sounds nice, but I'm really hungy.

"It's okay. I can wait for the food." I told Louis. Louis smiled at me and told me to go to the living room because we'll discuss our plans for our dearest Gayle's birthday.

"Oh great. Everyone's here." Everyone except Gayle. She must still be asleep. It's still too early. And maybe she got tired of last night from finding her hoodie.

"Harry and I will take care of the party decors, Niall and Melody will take charge of the food, Louis and Liam with the invitations, and Zayn..."  Madeline announced to us.

"I got something planned for Gayle's party. Planning to give her something..." Zayn said. I'm missing something here. But I'm pretty sure Gayle would love Zayn's gift.

"She'll love it for sure. Whatever your gift is." I said to Zayn. "This, ladies and gentlemen, should be a party that she will never forget!!" Madeline stood up and formally announced it then laughed. This girl is weird at times, but I still love her. HAHAHA!

"Why did you have to assign us the food? Do you not want any food to eat at the party?!" I complained. Seriously. There won't be any food at the party at this matter. Like I said, Niall and I have big appetites.

"Control your eating and there won't be any problem. Duh." Louis said. Come on. I can't control my eating. It just happens, like Niall's eating.

"Whatever. Don't blame us if you don't have any food to eat at the party." Niall told everyone. Thank you, Niall. I nodded in agreement with Niall.

"We should get started so we won't have any problems on the day of her birthday." Zayn said. Oohh. Zayn's getting ready 'ey?

"Hey you guys. What's going on?" Gayle said as she yawns. She's still in her pj's and her hair is a mess. Oh, and Zayn? Looking at her.

"Nothing. Just talking about what to eat for breakfast. They called for delivery." I told her. As if we're going to spill our secret.

"I'm going back to bed. Just tell me if the food's here so I can eat. *Yawn*" Announced. This girl loves to sleep. She just woke up and now she's going back to sleep again.

"Wew. That was close!" Niall said.

"Tell me about it. Almost too close." I replied.

"I thought Melody's gonna spill." Madeline punched my arm playfully.

"Why on earth would I tell her?" Pushed her out of the couch.

We should shop 'til we drop for Gayle's party. This is one party she'll never ever forget!



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