Chapter 11: Operation 'Set Up Melody and Niall'

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Melody's P.O.V.

I went down to the garden because Madeline told me so. She said we're having an after party.

I walked to the garden and sat at the bench, waiting for them to arrive. I've been crying for hours now and my eyes are already puffy and red.

The entrance door to the garden opened. It's Niall, holding his guitar in his left hand and food in his right hand. We stared at each other for a moment then I looked away. I want him to know how I feel but at the same time, I don't. I'm confusing myself with what I feel right now.

"Hey..." Niall greeted me with his Irish accent. Wanting to hug him so tight right now, I just couldn't. I'm too hurt to even talk to him. "Hey." I replied to him, still avoiding his blue orbs.

"What's wrong, Mel? You've been quiet since the party.." He sat down next to me and placing his arm around my shoulders. I don't like it when people do that to me, but I didn't mind it when Niall did it. "Nothing.." I replied to him. Another tear came rolling down my cheeks and Niall wiped it with his hands.

"There we go again. You've been crying... You can't cry over nothing!" He scolded me while playing with my hair. I don't like it when people play with my hair. It gets all messy. But with Niall playing with it, I'm fine with it. My tears won't stop falling again.

"Don't you think you've already caused enough heartbreak for one day?!" I faced him and stood up crying my heart out. He's too numb to even feel the pain he caused.

"What do you mean?" He should know! He's the cause of this.

"You're too blind to even see or feel it!" I turned around and walked steps away from him. "Melody.. I don't understand.." He approached me and held my arms. We're already so close to each other, but I'm still not facing him.

"Of course you don't.. Niall.. I.. I..-" He spun me around, making me face him. "What Melody? I don't like it when you're sad. It makes me sad too.." Yeah. Sure.

"Don't you get it, Niall?!" I asked him and looked straight into his blue eyes. "Get what?" He asked me giving me a confused look.

"THAT I LIKE YOU!!" I yelled at his face and looked down at the ground, crying even more. "Melody.. I.. I..-" Just as he was about to continue, I cut him off.

"I know what you're gonna say..." He gave me a confused look. "You don't like me back and you just want to stay friends. I get it, Niall. You don't have to say it." 

Niall lifted up my chin, but I didn't look at him. "Don't say that, Melody.. Just.. Just let me finish. What I'm trying to say is that... I... I like you too, Melody. Very much. More than you'll ever know." he cupped my face into his hands making me look into his eyes again and wiped away my tears.

"If you really like me, then what's with you kissing Chelsea earlier?!" I angrily looked at him.

"Is this what is all about? And you saw me with her?" Niall asked me. Obviously, yes. This is what it's all this drama about.

"Melody, let me explain.." He begged. "Go on.." I said.

"Melody. She's the one who kissed me. And I didn't kiss her back. I pulled the kiss away the moment she did it. I don't like her anymore, Melody. What's past is past. We're history. You're the one I want. I want you. I need you..." Niall explained himself to me. I just kept quiet and cried even more. That Chelsea just couldn't get a hold of her whore-mones. She should get over Niall.

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