10: Desmonds?

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It wasn't just the students involved in the incident that got caught up in psychological turmoil. Their parents were the second most affected by what happened. With that, it was right to assume that their reactions would create a domino effect, specifically on Eden College.

Because of how renowned the institute is, the hijacking was mentioned on the news, in the streets, in newspaper articles, and streets full of gossipers. Many expressed their concerns about the safety of students, the school's inclusivity, and the whole image presented to the nation for a long time. Though, some contradicted such claims, saying that their opinions were purely subjective. Eden College had no idea that a hijacking was supposed to happen that day, it wasn't the institution that called on the criminal to put those kids in danger.

Still, it shouldn't be denied that unfair treatment was happening in the school wherein the main perpetrators were the students.

On the other hand, the investigation was going in different directions. The SSS was also facing problems with the case at hand because they didn't get ahold of the suspect. Even with the sketch of the hijacker placed all over Berlint, there was no information gathered that could help them collect all the pieces to solve the puzzle.

And then, there was the fact that Twilight was in the scene. It was a big question to them, especially to Yuri Briar, to the spy's involvement with what happened.

What were they trying to do?

Why were they here?

Is this some ploy that got out of hand because the teenage boy didn't follow the plan?

Most importantly, who is that boy?! He wasn't registered in the system, and any traces of him existing was zero. They already sent requests to neighboring countries about this boy but to no avail, they also got the same replies.

What adds to his anger was that Twilight got the hijacker before them, so they were stuck interrogating the underlings of another Unsub.

"This whole thing doesn't make sense," Yuri gritted his teeth as he stared at the reports. His eyes then looked up to the board where pictures were pinned on. Even though he had studied it many times, he couldn't find any reasons to connect all the strings.

"This boy wasn't looking for some release," Yuri muttered. "He was planning something. And these guys, they were chasing after him. But why? What's their connection?"

His train of thought stopped with the sudden ringing of his phone. Letting go of another heavy sigh, he stood up from his seat and walked towards his landline, "This is Yuri Briar speaking."


"Oh, Nee-san, is there a problem?"

"No! I invited you to dinner, remember? Anya wants to see her Uncle Yuri for some reason," Yor explained. "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well? It's okay if you skip today, I'll explain it to Anya. I'm sure she'll understand."

"No. I'm okay!" Yuri said with a lively tone. "I'll be there, don't worry, Nee-san!"

Yor asked again if Yuri was truly okay before ending the call.

"Everything okay?" Loid hugged Yor, making her lean on his chest, his arms snaking on her waist.

"I'm just worried about how Yuri is acting. He took the news of Anya getting kidnapped a lot harder than I thought," Yor replied.

'I doubt that. He's probably dealing with the hijacking case. With Eden College involved, he's being pressured to release a statement soon and to wrap up the case as soon as possible,' Twilight thought.

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