8: Desmond Brothers Found In The Forger Home

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After (Y/N) got over the whole Anya-punched-Damian-on-the-first-day-of-school incident, the three arrived at the Forger's apartment. The two kids settled in the living room while the teen prepared snacks before the tutoring session began.

"By the way, how long were you permitted to stay here, Damian?" (Y/N) asks while she flipped Anya's book to skip over the lessons they'd already covered last week.

Damian stilled. I forgot. I didn't tell anyone about my whereabouts!!

"Sy-on boy?" Anya asked.

This is embarrassing. I can't just tell them to send me back to Eden! Think, Damian! Think!

Before the little boy could formulate any plan, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," (Y/N) stood up and walked towards the door, acting like she didn't ask the boy the most challenging question he has ever encountered.

"I see we have a visitor. It's nice to see you, Damian!" Yor sweetly smiled at the boy and patted his head.

Little Desmond straightened his back, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Forger!" He applauds himself for not stuttering.

"Sy-on boy wants to study with Anya!"

"Aww, looks like our little Anya got herself a study date! That's good!"

"W-what!" Blurted Damian. A date?! (Yeah, my boy forgot to add study there but whatever makes him happy).

Yor then turned to face the teen. "Is Loid still out?"

"Yes. I assume he didn't get here first since he didn't leave any note like last time," the teen explained as the two ignored the banter between the two kids. "Oh, and I invited a classmate over to do a project. Don't worry! He won't come back after that since we can complete it today. I suggested that we finish the task here because Anya needs me more. I'm sorry if I decided on my own before asking your permission first!" (Y/N) bowed apologetically.

Yor only chuckled at the girl before patting the teen's head lovingly, "You don't have to apologize for that, my dearest (Y/N)! We asked you to live here with us, so this makes our home your home, too!" 

"Still!" the girl protested. 

"Shhhh! I don't want to hear it. Also, if Loid ever comes home, tell him I went out to do some extra work," Yor replied.

"Of course, Miss Yor!" 

(Y/N)nee-chan works for the Forgers?  thought Damian as he listened to their conversation. So she's not Anya's real sister? They sure act like they do, though. Before his mind wanders to his brother, Damian forced himself to let go of the thought. 

After Yor left, the tutoring session began. 

One thing that (Y/N) noticed was the difference between Anya and Damian. 

Anya tends to be more childish, lively, loud, and full of innocence. 

Damian only displays seriousness, rationality, and sophistication.

In simple words, Damian is too mature for his age while Anya is the perfect example of what Damian needs to be. 

(Y/N) can't help but think about what kind of lifestyle rich people have. Especially the children of that kind of people. Usually, rich people expect nothing but the best result, because failure means losing your status, a large sum of money, and connection. So, was Damian the reflection of those attitudes? 

"Why can't I get it?!" Damian grumbled silently while Anya was on break, eating peanuts and watching Spy Wars. 

"You can take a break first, Damian. That equation won't grow a pair and run away from you," the teen joked while placing biscuits and hot choco next to little Desmond's books.

The Normalities In The Forger Household (Spy x Family | Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now