4: Eye contact

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Everyone has dreams they want to reach. And every dream has obstacles that might make you want to give up, or push through and tell "fuck you" to it.

It's for you to decide.

Well, everything is.

From the moment you finally understand what is right and what is wrong, it is still up to you if you want to follow the former or the latter.

Will you have basic human decency or live your life being ignorant about serious situations and speaking about it when it is you who will be affected?

Be dumb or be educated?

The list goes on and on.

But, there are certain things that you can't decide on. Some of the examples are being the chosen one and being born as the eldest who now have to take care of their siblings because parents automatically think that when you're the older sibling you are also a co-parent, or being born at all.

Another is the kind of status your parents you'll be born to. Will you be poor? Average? Rich as hell?

Will you be dumb, average, or a genius?

Are the parents loving or neglectful or abusive?

Like choices, the list of the things you have no say in goes on and on.

Although being born with no treasures nor enough coins to offer to their future kids, the (L/N) couple promised to give all their love and attention to their beloved kid(s). There will be no such thing as exhaustion and stopping when they know that their hard work would result in their children having a much better life. A life better than what they can offer or the life they both once had.

In all honesty, it was frustrating not getting the education you were supposed to have. Not having parents that can support your needs and are the ones restricting you from having good things because that money can be used to buy today's dinner. It was understandable, they weren't blessed with riches and opportunities. But, hey! They were only children, they shouldn't be thinking if they'll have dinner today, right? They shouldn't be watching other children go to school while they work in jobs that won't be enough for a sack of rice for the whole family.

But even with this, the two best friends (now known as Mr. And Mrs (L/N)) never once resorted to illegal doings. Yes, being in that predicament as children were not decided by them. But at the very least, they get to decide what kind of human they are. What kind of life they will have with them leading it?

And maybe, because of their kind souls, God gave them three of the best angels he has in heaven. One is a musical genius. The other learns things super duper quickly (not exaggerating), making it look like she has a copying superpower. And the last is a genius.

This only made their promise more solid than ever and promised to give them the best things they ever had.

But of course, before all that, you have to finish an obstacle and then have another.

Sam, (Y/N), and Nicholas were not blind to it either. And they were thankful for their parents not giving up on them even though their situation is already hinting for them to stop because they can't just do it. Not with them lacking in money. Even with their skills. Even with their talents. If you don't have enough money to maintain things, it's going to be put to waste.

But alas, just like their parents, the (L/N) siblings do not have the word 'stopping' in their vocabulary.

But the world does, though. It was as if programmed for it to stop them from reaching their dreams.

It happened one too many times, but they pushed through it. But with (Y/N), just like the silver in her room, it was her first time not getting the chance to push through.

The Normalities In The Forger Household (Spy x Family | Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now