Chapter 21: Common Values

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Georgia had never been so relieved about something so potentially dangerous. Sure, the unknown colony riding towards him could be hostile, but that was a problem he knew how to deal with.

If it had been a human, then that would have been a thousand times worse. This road was remote enough so that the only real reason someone would be coming down this way was to visit the houses and farms. And if they were visiting this area, then they probably knew whoever it was inside the house.

Even before the war started, Georgia wasn't a stranger to near death experiences. Bears, almost drowning, and a angry Massachusetts were common for him, however much it annoyed CT. But how do you even tell someone that there friend or maybe even family not only died, but suffered an unimaginable amount of pain.

Deciding not to dwell over bridges that he didn't have to cross, he raised his arm to wave in as friendly a manner as he could muster.

The stranger's horse came to a halt next to Georgia. "You friendly?" He asked, not entirely sure what to do if the answer was no. The colony replied in practiced but definitely not native English, "Yes. I'm here to reinforce you."

Same Time

With the exception of Florida going into battle or Louisiana cooking, Missouri didn't think he'd ever seen someone smile so wide. "We might just survive this yet." The stranger held out their hand, "Name's Georgia." And if Missouri needed anymore evidence, there it was.

Dismounting from his horse, he French colony responded by instinct, "Missouri." He felt the world hold still for a second. He couldn't believe that after everything, a slight slip of the tounge could be what ended his life. Before he even got to the battle field no less.

But instead of a hit over the head with a shovel, Missouri only got a smile from the colony. Deciding to try and change the conversation before any questions about things he would oblivious too, such as English military traditons, tactics and other info he was clueless about came up, he asked, "So, is this an outpost of some kind?" He asked, gesturing towards the house.

As quick as a flash of lightning, the colony who had introduced himself as Georgia's face dropped into a depressed frown. "I wish that was why I was here. But no." He looked as though he was walking over glass as he continued, "I was out here looking for anybody who was able to fight. But when I got inside of the place..."

Missouri waited for his new acquaintance to finish his story for about a minute. For his part, Georgia seemed like he was a foreigner, trying to create a sentence in a language he didn't understand. Eventually, he sighed and turned around, "It's easier to show you I think."

Twelve Minutes Later

All the color in Missouri's face vanished, replaced with a cotton like pale. Never before had he even seen a dead body, never mind one that had been so thoroughly defiled. What he considered to be the most frustrating also seemed to be the most disturbing. The person who did this wasn't caught. They're still out there.

After finally peeling his eyes off the canvas of cruelty, he saw Georgia trying and failing to stay stoic. For him, it must of been a thousand times worse. After all, it was one of his people.

Finally breaking the silence, Georgia spoke in a tone devoid of all it's cheesiness from before, "The worst part of all this? I have no idea what happened here."

He pointed at the bite marks on the woman, "Those couldn't belong to anything but a gator. But there's no way this was an alligator attack. This was organized, only a human could do this."

Then it all fell into place for Missouri. "Or a country human." He felt pure anger flow through him. Meeting Georgia's eyes, he knew there was only one road he could go down and be able to look himself in the mirror again.

Georgia might kill him when he found out the truth. Hell, if he was in Georgia's shoes, he might do the same. But at the very least Georgia might then be able to bring justice to the one he once called friend.

Welp, this has been a long time coming, hasn't it? Sorry bout that. But I finally got over writer's block, so that's good enough for me. I've been thinking alot about this story, and I think I finally know, for the most part, how its going to end. I've also come up with tons of ideas for other country human and state humans stuff. And a few original ideas as well. I'll leave that to its own dedicated chapter I plan on making in the future though.

Of course, I've put all other writing on hold until this story is finished so I don't fall down the rabbit hole of focusing on the new book and ignoring the old one. I think we've all seen too much of that on Wattpad.

Also, amazing news. WE'VE taken back the #1 spot for Hampshire for those book. And I say we because if your reading this far into this story, you probably also voted for chapters. From what I've seen, rankings for tags are chosen based off a votes per views ratio. At least that's what it looks like to me.

I know this section is getting really long so I'll end it soon, but I want to take a moment to everyone who stuck with this story on this gap of time between uploads. Also, thanks to everyone who puts my story in a reading list.

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