Chapter 7: The Hunt Begins

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As Georgia held up the reins of his carriage, he brought the horses pulling it to a stop. He peered over at the wooden sign directing traffic at a fork in the road. He called back into the cabin, "Almost there, sign says its only less than a day away from Savannah."

From inside the carriage, he heard North Carolina whine, "A day! It's been a week of sitting in this dam carriage already."

As he got the horses moving again he whispered under his breath, "This is gonna be long day, isn't it?"

1 Minute Later

Florida's plan had been going beautifully. For the past three days he had been sending out fake messages talking about his attack on somewhere in the far southern part of one of the Carolinas called Savannah. Of course he had been sure to send his messengers straight into the English so they'd be caught, but they had the honor of dying to further his hunt.

2 Hours Earlier

Scotland had finally arrived at Savannah after his terribly long trip across the Atlantic. He had been told that  a few of the colonies would be here to great him, but even after searching the whole city not only could he not find them, there was nothing to show they had been there recently.

Delays were nothing new, mudslides, rain, snow, and war could always hamper the ease of transportation, no matter where you were. Despite that he decided to leave and search along the roads for information on them.

He saw a middle aged man standing next to a white stallion. "That's a beautiful steed you have." Scotland said as he approached the man. The man turned to face him, showing tired eyes, a bald head, and black beard showing hints of grey.

"What's it to you Frenchie?" The man spat. Scotland was momentarily stunned by the man, "I assure you, I am no friend of the French."

The man shrugged, "You talk different from most folks around here, so unless you swam here or you got a bow and arrow on you, I'd say your a Frenchie. Now what do want Frenchie?"

Scotland felt his hand clench into a fist without him consciously doing so. He grabbed the fist with his other hand, in his head he heard 'Teach others who dare behave like him, no one may speak to us with so much ignorance. Put down this feral dog, and simply take what it is you want-"

"You won't take control! Never again!" After he screamed it, Scotland knew that he had done so out loud. He ran past the man and jumped on his horse,, cut the rope holding it with his sword before returning it to it's sheath.

"What the hell do you think your doing." The man yelled as began to reach for a pistol. Scotland reached into a coat pocket and took out a sack of coins and through it at the man before riding off. It should sufficient money for the horse and if not, to bad, he needed it more than the man probably ever would.

This is just the first half of the chapter, the second half is coming out by Sunday. I was going to originally write something about Louisiana and Mardi Gras, but I went to New Orleans for the parades with my family and I barley had time to write, when I did I just fell asleep because I barley getting any sleep. In the end I scrapped the idea about the Mari Grad special, but I still didn't have much time to write, so all of this is being made in about a half hour. Sorry about the delay.

Here is the answer to last chapters joke,
"A man walks into a bar..."
It hurt a lot.

New joke, I sold my old vacuum cleaner...

Answer is coming Wednesday

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