Chapter 11: The Ends And The Means

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Missouri jumped back from a slash at his stomach. It had been another grueling day of training with Quebec, but today it felt like she was actually trying to break his body and spirit.

She had woken him up at three o'clock, starting the day with a 40 mile hike. Once he had barley completed that, she wouldn't allow him any water or food until he could hit bulls eyes on three targets in a row with his musket, something that came down to luck as far as if he would succeed or not.

When he'd finally finished and gotten his food, she told him he had ten minutes to rest eat and drink, then at five minutes she picked up two bayonets, passing one to Missouri for his rifle. "Alright then, I think you've had enough rest for today. Fix that bayonet."

Wishing he had been been doing anything else at that moment, he sleepy attached the knife just under his rifle. As soon as he had done that, Quebec held her bayonet in her hand and held her other hand a bit ahead of her, "Alright then, first blood wins."

Without any further warning, she moved towards Missouri. He had sidestepped the blow just in time, as he felt the air from her arm thrusting her weapon forward.

From then on, he had been mostly trying to dodge her blows, waiting for an opening. As time went on though, he knew he had to do something quickly. He had exhausted himself in the run, whilst she had gotten plenty of rest, meaning she could outlast him, even if he was on the evasive.

Eventually when he thought he saw an opening, he charged towards her with his musket leveled. Quebec evaded the thrust, causing Missouri to fall to the ground. Quebec was quick to go in for a finishing blow, pouncing on the grounded colony. As her bayonet hovered half a inch away from his cheek, she felt something against her leg.

Pausing to look down, she saw his bayonet scratch her ankle, drawing a few drops of blood. "Clever..." She said as she realized what he had done. He'd made his thrust planning on being thrown to the ground. When she went in to finish him off, something she'd have been an idiot not to due given the opportunity he had presented her, he'd gone for a small last second cut into her when she was vulnerable.

Missouri looked up at Quebec with a tired but smug expression, he managed to say, "I win." She stepped back and offered a hand to pull him up, "Looks like you do."

When he was up, she give him a hit on the back, "Bold move there, who'd of thought my innocent cousin could turn into such a scheming back stabber." Even though she had made the remark with playful sarcasm clearly defined in her voice, she could see what looked like a bit of a bothered expression on his face, clearly defined in the noon sunlight.

Deciding it wasn't her business, Quebec tried to change the topic, "Really though, you did good today." Missouri looked back at her, "You wanna explain why you made today a living hell for me?"

Quebec put on a sheepish smile with a bit of guilt behind it, "I just wanted to make sure your ready. Today's the last of your training. Congratulations."

Missouri felt a bit of panic in the pit of his stomach at that, "Are you sure? Against you or Florida, I'm still weak." Quebec sighed a bit at that, "Missouri, you just beat me in close combat. Do you think you could have done that a year ago?"

Missouri thought about it for a second, "I guess not." His expression brightened at that like someone had flipped a switch, "I really did beat you." He said as if to himself.

Missouri forced herself to smile as she watched her excited cousin. She hated to lie to him like that, but she didn't see any other choice. Spring was coming, and with it, brutal fighting would start up as it did for the month before snowfall. She quite simply didn't have the time to continue training Missouri. She planned today to let her boost Missouri's confidence as much as possible.

The plan wasn't perfect, if Missouri got overconfident he had a high chance of getting himself killed. But this might be the only way to fix his constant seconds guessing himself given the time issue.

'It'll have to do for now.'

Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, next chapter will be usual length.

Important announcement though, Friday, March 25th, 2022, marks the one year anniversary of when I started to write on Wattpad. To celebrate, I'm releasing a special chapter on the 25th, so be on the lookout for that.

Last week's Pun: Why did the golfer get two pairs of pants? He was afraid he'd get a hole in one.

This week's Pun: Where did Alexander the great keep his armies?

I don't know why I capitalized Pun not once but twice, but I'm not changing it.

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