Chapter 14: I'll Make A Leader Out Of You

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As Missouri marched through the mud, he had two thoughts. The first was, why did he have to go to to war in the mud, where his boots clung to the ground with every step. The second was, did the southeast ever change weather from miserable wet heat or was it a year-round phenomenon?

The French Colonies had decided to attack in three places at once. Louisiana had been assigned to attack from the north through New York into New Jersey. He and Florida would attack the city known as 'Savannah' from the west and south.

He had been marching in his full wool uniform in the blazing heat, just as his men did. Heat exhaustion was a common ailment among his men, adding to the miserable conditions. What was worse, the trail they took was completely coated in a thick lair of mud.

As he continued his march, he heard a horse approaching him. Turning, he saw Florida's green and blue peering down from his mount a him. "Why aren't you on a steed my friend?"

Missouri shrugged, "I think I should march along with my men. It creates an example for them." Florida waved smiled, showing his gator-like teeth, "A good leader should a symbol to their men. Here, look behind you. What do you see?"

Missouri turned around and looked back to see his army marching in the miserable conditions. "I see my army marching behind me." Florida shook his head, "Maybe I phrased this wrong. Tell me, what can't you see?"

Missouri looked back again and thought about the question. After a minute of silence he gave up, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to not notice here."

"The thing that isn't there is pride, my friend." Missouri looked back a third time and carefully observed a few of his men individually. He noticed that most of them marched with slouched posture, and grim looks fixed on they're faces.

He looked back up to Florida, "I think I see what you mean." Florida smirked a bit at that, like this was all just a game to him. "Here," the assassin said, jumping off his horse and holding it's reigns, "Show them a leader they can be proud of."

Reluctantly, he began to mount the horse. 'What do I even do when I'm up there?' Once he was firmly atop the horse, Florida released the reigns. Missouri began to tilt his head back to see if his men had a reaction, but Florida stopped him, "If you look back now, you won't give off the aura of confidence these men need. Only turn if your going to give a speech."

Missouri felt a ball of lead form in his throat. 'How am I suppose to inspire them if I've never even been in combat before, let alone lead an army.' "It might be a good idea to say something. Your men are starting to look up at you, and if nothing happens, you may not get another good chance to rally them again."

Gulping, Missouri stopped the horse and looked back upon his army. As the soldiers began to come to a halt in front of him, he began to say the first thing that came to mind, "Before we continue this treck, I would like to address something I've seen in all of you during this hike. For days now I've lead this army from the front, and yet even from here I can here your groveling. Even if your the soldiers in the rear of this formation, I can see from a mile away the looks of dissent and malcontent drawn across your faces. And yet what do you have to be malcontent about? You serve the greatest in nation in the world in it's time of greatest need."

He pointed at a older grizzled looking man, "You sir! Do you believe that you suffer more than your friends and families at home will be if we fail, and they are left at the mercy of the British?" He pointed to a young boy on the drums, "Well what about you? Do you think the discomfort of this hike serves such little purpose that we should end it now?" The boy shook his head.

Raising his voice, he yelled, "Is there anyone here who believes this war a waste of time? If so, you may leave now without any persecution." His eyes scanned from one side of the army to the other, "Well come on then, if this march is as terrible as you make it out to be, than surely you would want to leave now that you have been given the option to do so." He waited for a moment and not a single soldier moved.

Missouri smirked, "Then if that is your final decision, stand tall, and stand proud. You are not just another soldier, you are a soldier of France. And that is a title that no amount of labor or shame can ever erase."

For a moment no one spoke. Then someone blurted out, "Long live France!" Soon others in the army began to take up the cry. Missouri turned and began to ride again with his army behind him.

From his left Florida said, "Not the prettiest of speeches, but it served its purpose. Perhaps I can make you into a leader yet."

Florida's Contract Book

Thirteen Colonies ♠
The Carolina Twins ♦
The Relic ♦
Crash ♣
French Colonies
Missouri ♣

Missouri's Diary

Today I was given a lesson from an unlikely source. Florida. Although at first he struck me as little more than a hitman, and despite the fact Louisiana and Quebec always seemed just a inch away from challenging him to a duel, today I have had my feelings swayed.

And that's another chapter done. A lot has happened and the progress update is in a week so I'll probably just wait until then to say everything, but here's a few quick updates.

I somehow forgot that Maryland exists, until a comment pointed it out.

I had a dream that was like an hour where I was just writing this book, but I got stuck and just stared at the page.

I've got a short story on the way.

Last week's joke: When past, present and future enter a bar...things get tense.

This week's joke: A man holding jumper cables walks into a bar...

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