Chapter 13: See You Around

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It was a dim evening for the colonies. They had finished they're planning two hours ago and planned on leaving their cabin to go on their separate missions in the morning. Whilst most of the colonies were saying goodbye to each other and enjoying they're last night together, CT had decided to sit under her favorite tree which overlooked the entire property.

She didn't turn around as she heard footsteps coming from behind her, rig firing she already knew who it probably was. "I never did understand why you loved this tree so much." Georgia said as they sat down next to CT.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess its just cause of the memories that come up when I'm here." Georgia raised an eyebrow, "Memories?"

CT nodded, "Look over there," she said, pointing to a few bushes, "That's where the twins found you." She shifted her hand towards a small, dying tree, "That's where we got the first wood for the cabin." She pointed towards a river out in the distance, that's where North's been making moonshine for god knows how long now."

A bittersweet smile spread across Georgia's face, "Yeah, I guess a lot has happened over the years." Although he didn't say it out loud, his tone implied, 'They're may never be more for some of us.'

CT finally turned her head to Georgia with a bit of concern on her face, "A lot more stuff is going to happen here. You've got a promise to keep, remember?"

Georgia pretend to look hurt, "Did you think I was about to go back on my word? I feel insulted." CT scoffed, "I'd think you were getting soft if you did get offended by that. We've all called each other so many worse things."

"Scotland said across the ocean they don't do that, they gotta be polite no matter who they're talking to. Can't even imagine that."

CT wrinkled her nose at that, "Nobody can make me behave. Life ain't living if you can't even call your sibling a [Censored, Jesus CT what the hell!? Gonna get this story removed]."

Same Time

Wales was awoken to yelling, "Captain! We need you up here." She quickly rolled out of bed and pulled on her coat and hat. She had been patrolling the coast of the new world looking for French or Spanish reinforcements since the war had started. She had split her fleet split up into three battle groups so that they could cover more ground, excepting the French to not able to send enough ships to escort the reinforcements due to their lack of a navy.

When she opened the door to her cabin she saw was immediately greeted by the salty smell of sea water. Heading over to the bridge she went up to the first mate, "Sailor, what it is it?"

The sailors face was ghostly pale, as he turned towards her. He didn't say anything, he just handed her a periscope and pointed out east. Taking it and bringing it up to her eye, Wales look out over the water where edge first mate had pointed.

She felt a ball of lead form in her throat when she saw the problem. Thirteen vessels flying the blue and yellow flag bluecoat's of France. She glanced nervously at her own ships. Including the frigate she was on now, she had four ships, one of which was a small support vessel that almost didn't deserve the name.

"We going to die here." One sailor managed to croak out. That seemed to stir the first mate into talking, "All deck hands, prepare for immediate departure."

"No!" She snapped, turning towards her terrified crew. "Sailors of the empire! We were sent here with orders to protect these innocent settlers from the wrath of France and Spain. All of you embarked on this task enthusiastically, eager to prove yourselves in combat, or to protect your countrymen. For months we have waited for the enemy, and now that they have revealed themselves, you wish to flee? Where is the enthusiasm from the start of this voyage? Do you no longer wish to prove yourselves? Are the lives of your countrymen suddenly worthless?"

She pointed her arm towards the shore, "We are all that stands between those people and these monsters. Perhaps you wish to see towns of civilians burned? Or maybe you would delight at the sight your brethren in the infantry and cavalry corps being overwhelmed and slaughtered by the French reinforcements on those ships? If so, then by all means, take the landing boats and sail to shore and run away. But if you still believe that good peoples lives have meaning, if you still wish to prove your metal, then it shouldn't matter how many vessels your enemy has, weather it be thirteen or a thousand."

Her eyes scanned the crowd of sailors, looking at each of them. Then after nearly a minute of silence someone yelled, "For England!" Soon others began to take up the call as they looked up at Wales. Underneath her captain's poker face, she smiled a little on the inside.

"If there is anyone to wishes to leave their posts, step forward now." No one moved. "Very well then. To your stations men! The battle of our lives is upon us!"

Missouri's Diary

That's it then, our plan is set in stone. If you'd even call what we're doing a plan. I suppose that desperate times do call for desperate measures. I wish I had prepared better for battle before the war. Whilst Quebec has taught me the basics of combat and strategy, tomorrow I'll be in charge of more than just my own life, but those of thousands of souls. I only hope that Savannah is as lightly defended as Florida says.

And that's another chapter done which was only two weeks late! Sorry about the delay. Anyway, I have a few ideas for the ending, so right now I'm trying to pick out which one I think fits best. Just to clarify that doesn't mean that the book is ending soon, it just means that I might make a few side chapters of cut content.

So if anyone has any suggestions leave a comment. Also, I have a quick question for everyone reading. I was on wattpad when I saw a single sentence that had 1500 comments on it. I was just wondering if anyone has ever seen one that's higher.

Also just as a warning, this joke is extra bad, so just prepare yourself mentally.

Last weeks Joke: Where do cows go for entertainment? The moovie theater

This weeks joke: When Past, Present, and Future walk into a bar...

The Thirteenth Colony (State Humans/Country Humans)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ