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Jaime POV

"Bro shoot!" I yelled into the mic.

"I am trying!" Penguin yelled back. " oh shit I am down."

" I'm still in the fucking building I can't even come revive your ass." Luca kissed his teeth. " You ass."

"Real shit."


"Oh shit my daughter here. One second baby!" I got distracted for one second and just like that I was dead. "OK I'm gonna hop on later."

"I'm on my way over there." Luca said.

"Fassure." I logged off.

I hopped up and walk out the living room and she was in the kitchen and I walked up to her and picked her up and she squealed.

"Hey baby." I kissed her all over her face.

"Stop." She pushed me and I let her go. "Whew today drained me." She joked and Xyla laughed.

"Hasley taught her that. She hasn't stop saying it." She covered her mouth. Ximora took off. "She missed you so I just brought her over here."

"More like she missed her toys." We laughed. "It's fine, nobody is here." I pointed and she nodded.


" listen Xyla, I wanna sincerely apologize for the way that I have been behaving. I had to have a long conversation with my mom and she helped me realize a lot of things. I am not entitled to your body. Which I always knew but I don't know why, I don't know what the flip the switch. I am not entitled to your life. You still have a life outside of me and Mora." She nodded. " I apologize, I will be doing, and I am going to do better. I just want us to be friends again, I want to have fun. Just enjoy life with each other again like we did before. If and when we do decide to have sex again which I think may not be in our best interest but when we do decide to, we have to approach it differently. I think the transfer of love and passion was and is a lot for me. I am used to fucking women with no connection. I've never had sex with someone that I love so deeply. I always thought it was a mess, but that shit is real. The way that I feel is very real. I will eventually get over it, will not get over it, but learn to deal with it until we are in the space that we need to be in."

" I also wanted to apologize, not just because you apologize but because I could've handled the situation better as well. I don't know why I shut down in those type of situation. I should have allowed myself to understand you." I nodded. "Hasley help me understand that I could've been can be more emotionally available for you. I don't have to have the guard up so strong, because you are someone that I love and I care about. And the fact that you may not know that because I don't show you or say it, bothers me. I will try to do better... I will do better in that aspect. I don't have to be so hard on you, I can slowly let down my guard, because like she said, the nonchalant act isn't fun or something that I want to present to you."

She was right, I rarely get any type of emotional connection with her. I may have said this before, but it is so hard for me to tell that she likes me, or she loves me. I'm always in a state of confusion because I have to try to figure out small things that she does to let me know she cares about me. I am definitely the more affectionate one in this friendship or relationship. I am overly affectionate, because I always had a affectionate and loving mother. Where is she had the opposite. It's like fucking a brick wall after a while, you're gonna hurt yourself but atleast you got a nut.

" Also like you say, I just want us to have fun together again. Silly moments, goofy moments and laughs and smiles. That is how we got here, that is how I fell in love with you." She expressed and covered her mouth.

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