Chapter 5

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Date: September 1st 1991
Time: 7:05
Place: Compartment 15B

Draco POV

I didn't really like this Granger girl she seems like a brat, I didn't say anything cause I knew something would happen if I opened my big mouth...

The Granger girl kept on trying to talk to Harry but he kept on ignoring her as if she was nothing but air. I laughed a little under my breath but seems like the brat also got big ears. "Is there something funny?" She said looking at me up and down in disgust. I quickly shut my mouth and looked back at my book.

"Answer my question you vampire!" She yelled, I just kept quite and looked down I could tell Ron get angry at her for yelling at me. "I don't need to know YOUR name, pale blond hair, pale skin, grey hair. You must be a Malfoy." She had so much venom in her voice when she said that last name. It was true I am a Malfoy, but I was raised by Weasley's so I am a Weasley!

"Actually, I'm Draco Weasley." I said with a proud tone even tho I was soooo scared what she was going to do. But all she did was stand up and walk out flicking her hair away in a huff.

Ron and Harry laughed at the sight of her, I mean it was pretty funny no gonna lie how she just left the room in a big huff like a 4 year old who didn't get their way.

The laughter died down when Harry asked that one question I disliked so much...

"As much as how funny that was I have one question...."

It was silent before he continued...

"Why did she call you Malfoy....?"




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