Chapter 10

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Date: September 1st 1991
Time: 7:46
Place: Slytherin Common Room

Harry POV

The tension was just what it was like on the train except you would need to cut it with a chain saw. "We don't talk about that last name, all you need to now is that Draco doesn't use that name is dead to him he prefers Weasley. So. Never.Use.That.Name.Ever." After he made clear never to say Malfoy ever again he gave me a small death stare. I slowly nodded my head cause that death stare went strait to my sole.

We changed the subject and we never spoke of that last name and I swore an oath to never say it again.


Date: March 15th 1996
Time: 15:34
Place: Slytherin Common Room

Harry POV

Why did I suddenly remember that day...? If any of use are confused (which you aren't cause you would of read the 4 years late thing 🙂) me, Ron and Draco are in 5th Year now, a lot has happened so I'll cut it short for you.

1st Year - Me, Ron, Draco and Blaise all became friends and went under a trap door that was guarded by a three headed dog. Me and Draco met Volemort we'll kinda... I found the stone and haven't seen it since.

2nd Year - The Chamber of Secrets was opened and Draco was controlled and was taken in the Chamber of Secrets were I met Tom Riddle/Voldemort and killed him and a Basilisk.

3rd Year - I found out Sirius Black was my great grandfather and Hagrid became a teacher in Hogwarts. I almost died from a dementor when someone used a protronus and I thought it was my dead dad doing it, but I was proven wrong when me and Draco used a time turner to save Buckbeak and to find out who casted the protronus and it was me all along.

4th Year - The Tri-Wizard Tournament happened where I had to fight a dragon and also go underwater at the back lake and save someone who was important to me and it was Draco. I then had to go through a maze to get the cup and win but it was actually a portalkey and me and Cedric got teleported and Cedric got killed. Also Voldemort's back.

And now here I am in 5th Year and so far so much has happened, Sirius died to Bellatrix Lestrange and I almost died because of nose less bald man but Dumblehore saved me and I now why cause I'm the Chosen One.

Anyways, I completely forgot what I was thinking but since I've been thinking about Draco a lot lately I must of been thinking about him.







This is why I'm not in Ravenclaw.

Date: March 15th 1996
Time: 15:34
Place: Gryffindor Common Room


I've been noticing Harry acting a lot different between Draco. Like he day dreams a lot and he always looks at Draco with like hearts in his eyes... why? Hmm....









"Wait... is Harry.."






"In love with Draco...?"




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