Chapter 2

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Date: 12th July 1983
Time: 11:52
Place: Weasley House


"Get back here you two!" Mum yelled as me and Dray ran all the way upstairs to the tippy top of the house. As we reached the end we hide under one of the boxes giggling as we heard mummy come up the stairs tired and out of breath.

"Shh! She might hear us!" I whispers to Dray cause he kept of giggling but so was I, he nodded and covered his mouth with his hands so you wouldn't hear that much. I had to do it to since I was about to laugh my pants off cause I heard mummy yell for dad help.

Moments later I checked to see if mummy was still there only to see she wasn't. I was very happy that I grabbed Dray's hand and did a little dance in victory that we won this time.

I heard a little baby cry down stairs only to release it was Ginny's crying cause she want getting attention. That's all she does she just sits their and cry's for attention like WE want attention TO Ginny!

Anyways I turned back to Dray to see he's trying to open the door probably cause he's hungry. Since I'm taller then him by 1ft I can reach it!

(I know it makes no sense but at the bottom of this chapter you will see what I mean.)

I helped Dray open the door only to be talked by Dad. "AAAA!!" Me and Dray scream as we got lifted up into the air by Dad. It was very fun so we asked him to do it again but he said no cause of back pains I think? I can't remember.

As we made are way downstairs to see mummy holding Ginny and Fred George eating crisp. As we got placed down mummy stared to talk about this place called. Kin-Kine...ummm.. KINDERGARTEN! That's it. In two years we will be sent to this kindergarten called L.H.P she says it's short for Little.Hogwarts.Primary but they call it L.H.P for short.

The rest the day of boring.

Eating, playing with Dray, Napping. Dinner, Bed.

Time: 20:55

"Night, night little demons..." Mummy said as she shut the door slowly and shutting off the lights. I lift my head to see if Dray was asleep only to see he's done the same thing. See the thing is me and Dray aren't twins but we sure act like we are! Except I'm more social and he isn't.

For the rest of the night we were talking about the kindergarten we would be going to in two years. We were thinking about:
The people their, the toys, food (mainly my question), if we can stay together and some other things I've forgotten about.

We said goodnight to each other and slowly but surely drifted off to sleep...


8 Years Later



Here's what I mean^

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Here's what I mean^

Also here is Ron and Draco's room^

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Also here is Ron and Draco's room^

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