✬ 𝙴𝙿 13 ✬

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"How MC met all the league members and how it all started"

Warning: curse words, body shaming, and cyberbullying.

Please read this note first as this is IMPORTANT!

As many of you commented on how and why boxing was removed, I may reconsider MC's decision to remove boxing. To be honest, I thought if MC removed boxing, she could still use her fist, but instead of using her knuckles, she would use her palm. 

But like you all said, it's the main source or something. and she can simply remove unknown fighting skills; however, she can't because she still needs to learn some things.

As to why Ten only gave MC that fighting technique, it's like MC needs to upgrade as her bag is full. but now it can be stored again as she's already leveled up, if you get what I mean.

I don't want to make MC too OP, because having one technique and one unique skill is OP for me if there are no side effects, and I did give it some so it doesn't become too easy.

If there is no side effect, the story would be blank after the MC wishes that this event would not occur, implying that the next event will not occur, implying that there is no future. 

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Gyeoul Han and Wangguk Han - PART

Three years before

Gyeoul Han and Wangguk Han are just starting with their NewTube channel, but because they don't have enough money to spend just on making false dirt on popular influencers and need to pay rent, it's like God heard them when Gyeoul saw a pop-up message on her phone and was about to scroll it away only to accidentally click it.

Clicking her tongue annoyed by her clumsy hand, only to thank it later as she's about to exit it, only to halt when she saw something that makes her go excited. and without thinking, she shoved her phone in Wang's face and excitedly told him how she wanted to work.

Fast forward: they met the CEO, which she thought was a joke at first, and this owner is doing some illegal shit. They only made the right choice when the CEO explained all the details.

"Hey, hey! welcome everyone I'm your host, Gyeoul Han! and today I will be vlogging for my new channel!" Gyeoul then displayed the screen while making a piece sign.

"Called Vlogging my boss restaurant! and no this is not sponsor, but boss maybe?... haha, shout out to my boss for hiring me to their wonderful restaurant!"

As Gyeoul read the comment, she saw a question that could help the restaurant.

"What location is this? Does the food taste good? is there by chance we will meet boss?" Gyeoul then smiled at the camera, and before she answered the question, she moved inside the restaurant.

"My boss has three restaurants as of now, and they keep getting bigger, and I'm proud to say that I'm one of them to make the restaurant bigger." Gyeoul then feigned tears before returning her usual smile.

𝓐𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓷 𝓝𝓟𝓒 ɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪꜱᴍWhere stories live. Discover now