Technical Difficulties

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It was nighttime. Everyone excluding Darius and Nicholas was spying on the compound. We were waiting for the two to come out and tell us about what they learned about Kash's plan.

"Come on," Brooklynn whispered. We all slowly went a bit closer and hid behind trees and rocks.

"We still don't know what Kash's next move is, or why he wants to control those dinos," I said.

"Uh, I know why. The dude's a total psycho." Kenji whispers. "And the longer Darius and Nicholas are with him, the more danger he's in."


Nicholas POV

Darius and I were sneaking to the elevator to meet the others as we agreed on earlier.

"Hey. Yeah. The investors are coming?" We heard Kash.

We both look at each other and nodded. We then pressed our ear to the door to listen better.

"Nice! Listen, boss, Kashmeister is gonna blow their minds. I'm talking full-scale demonstration. They'll beg us to take their money." Kash went silent for a moment. "Six days?"

Darius gasps and looks at me with pure worry.

"That's not a lot of time to get the biomes and dinos prepared. Yeah, no, I got this. The future of the company could not be in better hands." Kash grunts and hits the door making Darius flinch and gasp.

I grab his hand and we ran down the hallway to the elevator. I stop and hushed Darius when I heard a BRAD. Two pass by.

We ran to the elevator and Darius continuously pressed the down button.

"Come on. come on. Come on!" Darius whispers.



We continued to wait. Darius and Nicholas were late. Ben was pacing around quietly.

"They're late." Ben whispered.

"What if something happened to him?" Sammy asks.

"Nothing happened to him." Yasmina sighed. "Uh, what if something did?"

The door opens and Sammy gasps. Darius and Nicholas start to run. But then, an explosion happened right behind the two boys and they scream.

"Darius! Nicholas!" I start to run but Kenji grabbed me and covered my mouth. We then see a tall black robot. Kash comes out with a golf club.

"I see you both found your new babysitter. Or rather, it's found both of you." Kash said.

"What is that thing?" Nicholas asks with a hint of fear laced in his voice.

"This? It's part of my new fleet of upgraded models."

We hid a bit more so Kash nor the robot would see us.

"I call it BRAD-X. After you both disappeared, it seemed like a good time to take this baby for a spin. BT-dubs, what are you doing out here?" Kash asks.

"Honestly? We've been cooped up all day, and we're bored. Can't we go for a walk?" Darius came up with a lie.

"Sure you can. And from now on, BRAD-X will be right there with you both. And in case, you get any ideas..." Kash starts to hit the BRAD-X with the golf club.

Once he finishes, the golf club was ruined and bent.

Kash definitely has anger management issues.

"This new model's virtually indestructible." Kash says before walking inside the compound.

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