View from the Top

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It was a sunny day. We were leaving the Island. Thanks to Brooklynn's raft experience, we can finally leave the island. We all looked different.

Brooklynn, having no access to dye for a while, her natural hair was starting to show.

Kenji, had grown a facial hair.

Yasmina, was less shy and was more sociable, thanks to Sammy.

Sammy, her hair grew a bit.

Ben, he was more brave and strong than before.

Darius, he's become mature for his age and his voice somewhat changed.

I, on the other hand, my hair had grown. It reached passed my shoulders. My arm finally healed but I still had the burn mark. It wasn't as bad as before. Just somewhat visible.

"Goodbye, Jurassic World." Darius said.

Ben and I look at each other as Bumpy was left alone on the island, growling as loud as she can. 

"Goodbye, Bumpy." Ben and I said.

For the past few weeks, I had grown very attached to Bumpy. Just like Ben. Ben and I would catch up on things we did when we lost each other. Ben told me how he survived and defeated Toro and I told him the story on how I got my burn and how creepy Nicholas was. Ben even thought that was creepy.

"See ya never, stupid Dino Island!" Kenji shouted. "You thought you could eat us? No way! You thought you could stomp on us? Think again!"

"Yeah!" Sammy cheered. "You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!"



The duo did a handshake. In the past few weeks, Sammy, Kenji and I became fairly close. We even decided to call ourselves the "siblings group".

"To be fair, the island did crush my spirit. But then I defeated Toro."

"Not again." Yasmina groaned. Ben actually had told the story more than necessary.

"Well, Bumpy and Y/n likes it when I tell it." Ben said.

We then screamed. The waves were going a bit higher. It was a bit stronger than before too.

"Um... guys?" A huge wave was approaching us. "Everyone, secure the vines!" Brooklynn shouted.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know. Pull on them?" Brooklynn said.

"You said you had raft experience!" Yasmina shouted.

"I said some raft experience. Some!" Brooklynn defended.

"Oh! So only some of us will die." Yasmina said.

"Guys! Now's not a good time to fight." I shouted.

"The wind's strong. We can just power through." Brooklynn started but was cut off by the sail getting blown out of place and into the wind.

We all screamed and ducked as the waters ate us.


We went back to camp wet and quiet.

"Bumpy? Bumpy, we're back!" I called out for Bumpy.

"Bumpy?" Ben joined. "Bumpy? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Bumpy jumped onto both Ben and I.

"Mommy's back, Bumpy. Mommy's back." I said as I hugged Bumpy.

"Sorry, Bumps. missed you, too."

Brave |Ben Pincus x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now