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Kenji POV

I looked at the guy. Is it really him? Y/n will be psyched to see him.

"Uh... hey." He sounds like Ben. It really is him.

I then ran up and hugged Ben. Ben hugged me back.

"How? How? How?" I ask.

Brooklynn hugs Ben and he does the same thing.


"Y/n will be so happy to see you." I said while thinking on how Y/n's reaction will be. 

"I hope so." Ben said.

We then hear Hap groan.

"Oh, right." Ben placed a hand on his hip. "We should probably deal with that."


I tied Hap up as I told the two how I survived.

"Fell off the monorail, got savaged by Pteranodons, found Bumpy, survived in the jungle, defeated Toro, and then I overheard the fancy siblings conspiring with this guy, Hap. So I figured you guys might need my help."

"They're actually a family. The younger one is their son, Nicholas." Brooklynn corrected me.

"Oh, hey,  I still have your dork pouch." Kenji pointed where the fanny pack was last seen. "What?" The two stared in confusion and shock.

"Oh, yeah. I snatched it off of you earlier." I took the hand sanitizer and put some on my hands. "But thanks for keeping it safe."

"It was actually Y/n who kept it safe. She just gave it to us because she thought we might need it." Brooklynn said.

"Oh. Then I'll thank her when I see her." I then pick up the Telescopic Shock Prod. "Could have used this while fighting ol' Toro, eh, Bumps?" I spinned the Telescopic Shock Prod.

"Ben, Focus." Brooklynn said as I dropped the Telescopic Shock Prod but was able to catch it. "The family, what exactly did they say?"

"Not too much, but they're definitely up to something." I answered. "Hap, too. I say we feed him to the Mosasaurus or the T-rex."

"Or you could listen to me." Hap said scaring us.

Brooklynn POV

"You're awake?" I ask.

"Of course I'm awake. You think I'm gonna be taken out by a bunch of kids?"

"Challenged accepted." Ben turned on the Telescopic Shock Prod.

"Put that down, boy, before you get yourself hurt." hap stood up.

"Someone's getting hurt, old man, but it ain't me." Ben walked closer and put Telescopic Shock Prod closer to Hap.

"Zap him, Ben!" Kenji cheered on.

"With pleasure." Ben said.

"Bring it!" Hap sneered.

"Everybody, chill!" I got between Hap and Ben before anyone got hurt. Ben turns off the Telescopic Shock Prod.

"Lower the weapon, Ben." I said.

"You're protecting this guy? Whose side are you on, Brooklynn?" Ben argued.

"I am on  the "not electrocuting a human being" side, Ben."

"We don't have time for this!" Hap shouted. "You kids have to trust me. I'm trying to save your lives." Hap lowered his voice.


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