When The Flame Goes Out

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Authors Pov
Ace, Y/n, And Luffy plow through the marines trying to get to the getaway ships, as they are running to freedom they encounter trouble. One of the 3 Admirals appeared in front of them. Coming out of the magma puddle was the strongest one of all and most ruthless, Akainu. He waited to long to join the battle. He was determined to not let any of them escape.
Y/n's Pov
As we all were running to freedom, a sudden puddle of magma appears in front of us, I knew exactly who it belonged to, Akainu.
Akainu appeared smiling devilishly, It sent shivers down my spine

Akainu: You thought you could escape from us, not on my watch, especially with how high each of your bounties are. You won't make it out of here alive, I can promise you that.

We were trapped, I remembered what White Beard said before we all entered into marine ford.

WB: Make sure to save Ace, no matter the situation

I knew I had no chance against Akainu. I whispered to Luffy and told him to get Ace the hell out of here and that I'll distract the Akainu as long as I can. I owe ace my life, so I'm willing to lay my life down for him.
Luffy didn't want to agree but went with what I said and sprinted in a different direction, grabbing Aces wrist. I was a nervous reck. Yea i've been training for moments like these, but was I really ready to lay down my life? I didn't do everything I wanted to do. Was I even powerful enough to go against one of the strongest admirals? I knew In reality I wasn't, But i owe my life to Ace. He saved me from death, now I need to save him. I began manipulating the rubble and throwing it towards Akaniu. I knew it wasn't going to hurt him, since he was a logia type, But it will distract him enough.

Akaniu: I see what you're doing. Your plan wont work. Now let me kill you.

After he said that, he shot a magma fist at me. I used my observation haki to dodge it. My observation haki was strong, but not strong enough to where I could read into his next attacks like the others could. I tried infusing my haki into the stakes I made out of the rubble and tried throwing them at him again. He dodge each one with no problem. Shit. I had one more trick up my sleeve, but I knew this was going to leave me helpless, but I saw Luffy and Ace almost to the ship. I infused all of my haki into one last stake and gave all the will power I had. I threw the stake as hard as I could towards Akaniu.

Author Pov
While Y/n is fighting Akainu, Marco is fighting Kizaru, and Luffy and Ace start to battle Aokji.
The battle between Y/n and Akainu was aggressive. Neither one of them were backing down. Akainu was determined to get the heads of all the 3 kids. Especially Y/n's, since he knows to well that she will become a problem in the new world for the marines.
Y/n started getting Weaker and weaker from using up to much of her strength and Haki. She is desperate. As she flings attack after attack, only hitting the admiral a couple times, she was fighting with pure adrenaline,. That only thing she could do for now. As Y/n sent her final attacks, she falls to the ground. She was beaten to a pulp, but swore to never give up, While she was on the ground there was one thing that caught her eye, making her let her guard down even more. An easy opening for the admiral. A green hair man, watching from afar. Zoro.

Zoros Pov
As i'm watching the fights go down, I see Akainu pop out in front of the three. I saw y/n says something to my captain and he runs off with ace in a different direction. I didn't have a good feeling about this, because Y/n always does things without thinking properly. Her bounty was high, and that must mean she became extremely strong, but Akainu is ruthless. An admiral who is obsessed with blood lust. I began watching them battle. She was throwing every attack she has in her sleeve, but only a couple hitting him. I noticed she has strong haki and even observation Haki, but it still was weak compared to an admiral. She was relying on her devil fruits to much, making her weaker. I noticed that she infused all the Haki she could into a stake she must of manipulated with her fruit power, It landed a blow on Akainu making him fall. Maybe I was wrong. Her Haki seems to be up there with an admiral. She was trained by the White Beard Pirates. All of a sudden we locked eyes
She saw me. Butterflies went through my stomach. She sent a smile towards me while trying to get up but she ended up falling down again. She was beaten so badly, but never gave up. I wanted to help her so badly, but then I saw something that took me out of my thoughts. Akainu was charging at her ready to pack the final blow on her. Without thinking I scream at the top of my lungs to her to watch out.

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