Roronoa Zoro

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Zoros Pov:

It's been 2 years since I escaped that hell without my beloved y/n, But today I finally am going to save her.
I can't wait to be able to hold her in my arms again and tell her how much i missed her.

Author Pov
Zoro finally manages to make it to the old orphanage (after getting lost several times), just to find it burned to ash.
His heart dropped, everything in his world shattered when he saw the sight.
He has lost you completely, the love of his life, he was to late.
He wasn't the only one to show up there before him.

2 days before Zoro arrived

Law's Pov
I managed to escape 3 years ago but had to go rescue my sweet y/n, I got control over my devil fruit and was ready for anything thrown at me.
When I arrived, there was, nothing? just ash. No one in sight.
My heart sunk, I was to late, the girl wI atched for years gone, I will never forgive Doflamingo for killing y/n and Corazon.
*Flashback ends*

Zoro's Pov
I fall to my knees, angry at the world, at myself, for how foolish I was. Why did I leave her there, why didn't I fight back? Why did I run away? Why was I so weak?
"You damn coward" I said to myself. We promised we would be together forever. In your memory y/n I will become the worlds greatest swordsman for you. I will Prove to you that won't break that promise.

I ended up becoming a bounty hunter, racking up a good bounty for myself until I got caught by the marines, and about to be executed. I was almost happy in a sense, I could finally be with you my love. Days I stood tied up to a pole in the blistering heat, no food, no water. I was use to this kind of treatment back when I was stuck in that hell hole. I was ready to accept my fate, apologizing for breaking another promise to you. Until a kid with a straw hat came and asked me

???: You're the great pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro

Zoro: Yeah, what's it to you kid

???: Good, you're joining my crew and i'm busting you out of here

Zoro: No chance, just let me die, plus i just met you, who even are you kid.

Luffy: My names Monkey D, Luffy and Im going to become KING OF THE PIRATES!!!!

Zoro: I love the dedication kid, but my answer is no.

Luffy: Too bad shishishi

Author pov
Zoro gave up and accepted Luffy's offer and escaped with him, only reason why he ended up joining, is he remembered the promise you made
"I promise to see you become the greatest swordsman"
Knowing you would be watching up in heaven. Little did he know, You were alive and healthy.

Zoro's Pov
It's been a couple of months since I joined luffys crew, he gained 4 more members, The cat burglar Nami, A love sick cook Sanji, A fool named usopp, and a reindeer doctor named Chopper. The crew kept my mind busy, from the thought of you, but every night i would cry missing you, wishing you were here to meet my new friends, tell you all about my adventures.
I actually try talking to you.

Zoro: Y/n, I battled with the best swordsman in the sea, Mihawk, iIlost greatly but i've gotten so much stronger after that. I wish you could see how much I achieved, I love you with all my heart Y/n.

*Time skip*

Authors pov
It's been 2 years now, Zoro age 21, Y/n age 19.
The straw hat crew has grown Powerful since adding a archeologist named Nico Robin, a musician skeleton named Brook, and a ship repairer named Franky. In the battle of Sabaody archipelago, They have been separated, by one of the 7 warlords, Kuma. He sent them all to different places to get stronger.
Zoro was trained by mihawk, and became a deadly swordsman, but what happens when he sees something that shocks his whole world. What could of made the cold hearted man fill with happiness, confusion, anger?
A bounty poster.
Zoros Pov
As I finished my training today, a telabird dropped off the news paper, curious what was in there, my eyes skimmed over it.

Zoro: Hmmm the execution of Portgas D. Ace, Luffy's somewhat brother we met in Alabasta, and a watch list, and bounty posters.

As I looked at the bounty's, everything froze. A bounty poster that looked all to familiar. A female with the same h/c and e/c as Y/n. The beauty killer, she has a bounty of 700m. She had Defeated Doflamingo and destroyed a small marine base. When did she get devil fruit powers, especially 2, what is going on.
That's y/n, My beloved y/n, she's alive. Holy shit, but the orphanage, wait, was she saved? BY ACE?!
Don't tell me she plans to crash the execution. My mind began racing, not knowing what's going on.
The next few days, I couldn't concentrate on my training, knowing you were alive, and Mihawk noticed, becoming angry.

Mihawk: Stop slacking, your training is almost over, you won't achieve your goal with this attitude and sluggishness.

The execution is 3 days after I meet back up with the crew. We planned on going to fishman island after the meet up, but I need to go to marine ford. I'll do whatever it takes to see her again and to save her. I've told Luffy about her, and with Ace being his brother, he will put the travel on hold and go save him. I'll be right by his side, but not for the same reason as him.

Author pov:
The day has finally come where the straw hats met up again, everyone so happy to see each other, expect Zoro. Everyone knew you were alive and were planning to go save ace.
They wanted Zoro to be happy, and same with Luffy, so they decided to head to marine ford then to fishman island.

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